Police Inspector (PI) Shevale from Wadala TT police station had informed pro-Hindu activists over phone on 11th February that Christian missionary K Shyam Kishore’s program…
Muslims attending the gathering were offended by the insinuation that Islam could be radical or violent, and demanded instead that the German government take steps…
While religious data for the 2011 census hasn’t been released yet, many observers say that it is likely that Christians now form a majority of…
Pope Francis came under new pressure on Wednesday to punish bishops who covered up for pedophile priests when a UN Human Rights Panel accused the…
Those, who do not believe in Jesus, do not follow the path shown by him; all such castes, sects and girls are prostitutes. The above…
Ex-Christian missionary jailed for 58 years after he sexually abused indigenous girls for child porn
While he was establishing a church with the Katukina tribe, Warren Scott Kennell, 45, a missionary with the Sanford-based New Tribes Mission, befriended the girls…
A ‘Prayer meeting’ by Paul Dinkaran, a Christian missionary was arranged on 31st January at Somaiya Ground, Chunabhatti. Few citizens had lodged a complaint with…
Recently a program was organised on behalf of Bethesda Shalom Ministries by putting up flex charts giving messages, ‘Be ready to meet God’, ‘Meet Yeshu’(In…
‘God’ is a much used word yet hardly anyone pauses to find out what is meant by it. ‘Isn’t it clear?’ religious people may ask…
Lot of tweets and buzz doing round about growing presence of Ford Foundation in India and Indian politics. Felt like doing some research on this.…