Mahadevapura police on Thursday arrested a 31-year-old trainee pastor for allegedly trying to convert 23 children, including 14 girls, during a summer camp here.
A group of people beat up all family members of Deepak Mohite on Saturday night forcing them to adopt Christianity. Today, even after 3 days,…
Washigton: About 700 people launched new claims of sexual abuse against Catholic clergy in the United States last year, including 21 who are still minors,…
Sanal Edamaruku, an Indian skeptic, went to Mumbai and revealed that a “miraculous” weeping cross was really just a bit of statuary located near a…
Six people, including a Christian priest, were injured and four people including RSS zilla prachark were arrested, when Hindu groups opposed a mass conversion program…
The Poor Christian Liberation Movement (PCLM) has blamed Church Authorities of conspiring to include them in the Scheduled Caste list, which it said is not…
A civil court in Kolar Gold Fields (KGF), Karnataka has awarded a punishment of 3.5 years for two Christian missionaries and one year each for…
Pro-Hindu activists, with the help of police, foiled the ploy of Christian missionaries to convert Hindus who were invited to attend a program at Dhokali.
Vardarajulu alleged that their daughter, Laxmi Priya, the 26-year-old girl who was a software engineer at Infosys in Chennai was brainwashed and forcibly converted by…
41 children were rescued from ‘Church of Christ – Home for the Orphans & Widows’, in a late night rescue operation in the city of…