Catholic church making money by producing and selling porn

One of Germany’s largest publishing companies, Weltbild, that has over 2,500 erotic novels in its online catalogue, is owned 100 percent by the German Catholic Church. Weltbild has an annual turnover of €1.7 billion ($2.4 billion), 6400 employees and has a 20 percent market share when it comes to selling books. Read more »

Christian missionaries distribute pamphlets to misguide Hindus

Christian missionaries were found distributing pamphlets on the crowded Caesar Road, Andheri (W).The pamphlets were titled, ‘Why do we need money and benefits? Merits/Punya (??) and traditions? Dharma and Karma?’ Mr.Diwakar Agwane, Mr. Sumit Sarmalkar, Mr. Dayanand Kaddi of HJS inquired about this pamphlet distribution to the concerned missionaries. Read more »

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