Mumbai : Thousands of ‘Gou-rakshaks (protectors of cow)’ will take out a march directly to the winter session of State Assembly in Nagpur with demand…
Pass Act banning cow-slaughter; else vacate your seats – Warkari Sect’s warning on the occasion of ‘Kartik Ekadashi’ at the desert of River Chandrabhaga at…
Sangli (Maharashtra) : Shiv Sena resorted to agitation and forced to close down the slaughter-house at Bedag. If it is re-started, it will have to…
Mumbai : More than 5000 cow-supporters joined the rally. It was warned that in future, a Government that protects cows, will only be elected to…
Agitation will take severe turn if State Govt. ignores the issue, warns H.B.P. Bhagavan Kokare Maharaj ! About 300 organizations have joined the agitation spontaneously…
Cow-slaughter will not stop till such Govt. is elected which cares for cows, says Adv. Manoj Raicha, VHP ! Hindus’ patience should not be tried,…
Mumbai : For important demands like passing of an act for protection of cows, conferring special rights to organisations engaged in ‘Goraksha’, among others, have…
Khed (Maharashtra) : Hindus took out a rally through the town on Monday when they came to know about slaughtering of cow on the day…
The activists of ‘Akhil Bharatiya Krushi Gou-seva Sangh (Sangh)’ endangered own life to save cattle from getting slaughtered on the occasion of Bakr-Id’ resulting in…
In terms of clause 5 of Maharashtra Animal Protection Act, 1976, there is total ban on slaughtering of cows in the State. Cow-slaughter should not…