The Delhi High Court stayed the show-cause notice issued by a trial court against noted social activist Nafisa Ali for allegedly purchasing M F Hussain’s…
Nina Paley has denigrated Kalimata by a nude painting in very perverted manner. Going still further she has put on her website a photograph of…
An advertisement by has used the name ‘Hari Sadu’ and deformed ‘Hari’ with bad words. A proud Hind, Smt. Mrunal S. Nanivadekar has registered…
Colaba police have finally filed cases against those 19 artists taking out a march in support of painter Chandra Mohan who has drawn nude pictures…
In the advertisement of Lee-Denim jeans, ‘Brahmadeva’ has been denigrated by showing a half nude man in His place.
There was high drama at the recent ‘Art for Freedom’ auction in London over the presence of a Hussain baiter
This play was formerly presented by Late Machchindra Kambli. It is full of abuses to Hindu Gods. It has a scene where Tatya sarpanch performs…
This Marathi play was having number of dialogues making fun of Hindu deities. After protests by HJS producer had now stopped the shows of this…
In this play Shree Krishna has been shown as minister and he makes jokes from worldly matters.
BJP’s cultural unit organised a seminar to condemn the controversial paintings of M F Hussain and a M S University student.