Muzaffarpur (Bihar): Under the guidance of HJS, various pro-Hindu and spiritual organisations recently submitted a resolution demanding the ban on movie ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ in Deistrict.
Helsinki (Finland): The controversial photograph of a nude man with visible genitals on display at a renowned government run Helsinki (Finland) museum, which enraged the…
The story of ‘Slumdog’ is taken from the novel ‘Q and A’ written by Vikas Swarup; it is been fabricated ny a Christian & movie…
Karad (Maharashtra): Watchful Hindus stopped the screening of anti-Hindu film “Slum dog Millionaire’ at local Prabhat Theatre for the second time.
Jodhpur (Rajasthan): HJS submitted representation to Police Suprentendent of Jodhpur to ban release of ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ as it defames Lord Rama & India.
Kerala: On 12th May 2007, anti-Hindu Kerala Government had declared the ‘Raja Ravi Varma’ award to anti-Hindu painter M F Hussain.
Nandurbar (Maharashtra): Taking the advice in ‘Dharma Satsang’, devout Hindus collected packets of tobacco with picture of Lord Hanuman and immersed them in water.
Pandharpur (Maharashtra): Zilha Parishada (ZP) of Solapur had used picture of Lord Vitthal for its campaign. HJS protested against it & thus ZP rendered apology…
This is the result of lack of Dharmashikshan among the Hindus that they are slowly imbibing the perverted western culture as they do not have…
Nandurbar (Maharashtra): Shri Ganeshbhai Sonar, owner of Amar Theatre here had cooperated HJS in non-screening of anti-National and anti-Hindu movie’ Slumdog Millionaire’.