Awareness created through representations against anti-Hindu film ‘Dharam Sankat mein’ in various places of Maharashtra, here is the brief report !
Movement against anti-Hindu film ‘Dharam Sankat mein’ ! Devout Hindus in Maharashtra get together against anti-Hindu film ‘Dharam Sankat mein’. Here is a brief report…
VHP received unexpected support in its fight against Kamal Hassan’s upcoming Tamil film “Uttama Villain” with a Muslim organisation today lodging a police complaint.
Anti-Hindu film titled ‘Dharma Sankat mein’ should not be released was the demand made through representations submitted to theatre-managers of Pune and Kolhapur.
Issue of the Anti-Dharma film ‘Dharam Sankat me’ ! The memorandums were presented to theatre owners in Jalgao, Dhule and Chopda regarding to stop the…
A representation demanding stopping the exhibition of the film ‘Dharam Sankat Mein’ was submitted to Shri. Sanjay Shinde, Resident Deputy Collector, Sangli by the delegation…
Hindus are upset at trivializing of Hindu deities at the launch party of “Rosé Vintage 2004” champagne of prestigious French brand Dom Pérignon in New… This online shopping portal was selling T-shirts having pictures of Hindu Deities and saints.
Hindus’ Deities, Warkari sect, ritualistic worship, like Ekadashi have been shown disrespect purposely in the film ‘Elizabeth Ekadashi’ directed by Paresh Mokashi and the film…
On January 12th, 2015 concerned Hindus notified Forum for Hindu Awakening (FHA) regarding the denigration of Shri Ganesh, Hanuman and Shrikrushna happening on ‘’ website