The cartoon shows Shri Ganesh holding a cricket bat and money, while Cricket SA (CSA) CEO Haroon Lorgat, tied up on an altar, is about…
A company named ‘Choc of the town’ has come a with a product ‘Lakshmi crackers chocolate’, in which they have produced chocolates in the shape…
Multinational companies have hatched a plot to defame H. H. Bapu by making baseless allegations against him and they are joined by 9 news channels
A film titled ‘My friend Husain’ based on the life of anti-Hindu artiste M F Husain, who drew indecent paintings of Hindu Deities and ‘Bharatmata’,…
An allegation was made against devotees of H. H. Asaram Bapu of causing one girl-student and her parents to disappear from the ashram. On this,…
‘Aaj Tak’, Hindi news channel continuously telecast a program during Navaratri, titled ‘So sorry’, denigrating Sri. Durga Devi
Fact should be kept in mind, a person who has more than 40 millions of followers, he cannot fool all of them. There is maximum…
In history text book of ICSE curriculum for 9th standard, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Maharana Pratap have been insulted, said Sou. Purnima Prabhu, an activist…
A scene was being shot of a film titled ‘PK’ which is produced by film star Amir Khan in which an artist was given an…
Graduation ceremony of Kashmir University was held on 2nd October when national anthem was played. Few anti-national students, however, did not get up from their…