ZEE Marathi channel telecast a play titled ‘Mahavastraharan’ on 28th April 2013, Sunday which made mockery of Hindus’ Holy Scriptures and great revered Hindu personalities.
Chopda (Maharashtra) : ZEE Marathi channel was to telecast Marathi play ‘Vastraharan’ in the city and all areas in the Taluka at 1.00 p.m. and…
Zee Marathi channel’s ploy to telecast a play titled ‘Vastraharan’ which makes mockery of Hindu Scriptures and great revered Hindu personalities ! All devout Hindus…
Bengaluru : A comical short-play in Kannada, titled ‘Srikrushna Sandhan’ was to be staged at Bengaluru. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS), however, forced the organizers to…
Hindi film titled ‘Nautanki Saalaa’ was released on Friday in theatres wherein there are objectionable statements and mockery of ‘Ramayana’. The local pro-Hindu activists came…
Indecent picture of Shri Durga Devi removed from exhibition after HJS’ opposition ! Anti-Hindu artist Elena Banik behaves rudely with Sou. Varsha Thakar of HJS…
After the protest emails sent by devout Hindus, Shelah Horvitz has shown maturity and by understanding religious feelings of Hindus are getting hurt, she has…
Mumbai : Lakshmi-Narayan are worshipped by all Hindus. Their picture has been printed by Kinjin Food Pvt. Ltd. on small boxes packing asafoetida manufactured by…
Vadodara (Gujarat) : An exhibition was held at Sarjan Art Gallery was displaying paintings by M F Husain. When HJS activists created awareness in the…
As per the latest information, A Russian Art Gallery website, ‘ArtNow.ru’ has removed pornographic art that depicts Shri Krishna.