Despite attempts of throttling of Sanatan by so-called progressive factions, government and police, Hindu Rashtra will be established in 2023, asserted Sanatan Sanstha’s Sadguru Nandkumar…
700 devout Hindus of Belgaum attended Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha and made a resolve to commit themselves for accomplishing the mission of establishing Hindu Rashtra
There is no alternative to Hindu Rashtra for preventing persecution of Hindus : Samarth-devotee Yogesh Maharaj Salegaonkar
HJS held ‘one-speaker’ ‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha’ at Santoshwadi, Dadarbedi village. The ‘sabha’ was attended by 85 devout Hindus.
HJS successfully held ‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabhas’ at 6 places in 2 days with single speakers. Encouraging response received by these ‘sabhas’ show the trust developed…
Sanatan’s every seeker will continue to work hard till Hindu Rashtra is established !- Sadguru Nandkumar Jadhav, Sanatan Sanstha
On 27th January, HJS had organized ‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha’ but its venue was changed by police, government administration and secularists; still devout Hindus attended the ‘sabha’…
Telephone calls from abroad opposing use of words ‘Hindu Rashtra’ written on posters advertising about ‘Hindu Rashtra-jagruti Sabha’; delay by police and government administration in…
Hindu Rashtra-jagrtui Sabha was organised by HJS at Yavatmal on 20th January. The ‘sabha’ was attended by 250 devout Hindus
There is no alternative to Hindu Rashtra for bringing change in pathetic condition of Hindus and Hindu Dharma ! – Narendra Surve, HJS