In the small village like Vadgaon Haveli, 2500 devout Hindus attended Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha. This presence of Hindus is sign of increasing trust on Hindu…
Sakore (Dist. Pune, Maharashtra): Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha was organised here by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. The Sabha was attended by 500 devout Hindus.
“Shivaraya needs to be born in every home !” said Mr. Rahul Kadam, while addressing in Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha at Mugali (Dist. Kolhapur). The Sabha…
The city having heritage of Poet saint Kumar Vyas witnessed a grand Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha. 4000 devout Hindus participated in a glorious Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha…
Fort Rajgad (Pune, Maharashtra): Devout Hindus took an oath of protection of ‘Hindutva’ in the ‘Dharmajagruti Sabha’ held here. The Sabha was organised by Hindu…
Vadu Navghar (Thane, Maharashtra): Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha was organised here . The Sabha was attended by 300 devout Hindus.
More than 550 devout Hindus at Sastewadi, 300 at Shindewadi and more than 350 at Phadatarwadi participate in Hindu Dharnajagruti Sabha !
Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha was held successfully by Hindu Janjagruti Samiti Moothanthara Uma Maheswara Mandapam in Palakkad, Kerala on 3rd January. The Sabha was inaugurated with…
Solapur (Maharashtra): “Hindus must unite to eliminate terrorism !” said Mr. Pramod Mutalik, while addressing in Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha here. The Sabha was atttended by…
Vadgaon Budruk (Dist. Pune, Maharashtra): “Converting to other religion is like inviting death !”said H. B. P. Chandrakant Vanjale Maharaj, while addressing in Hindu Dharmajagruti…