The Hinduism Meet to be held on the auspicious occasion of Kamada Ekadashi (18 July 2009) at the Durga Temple of Virgina, has gained support…
Kekatpur (Maharashtra): Not a single person among those attending the Sabha organized by Hindu Janajagruiti Samiti (HJS) moved from his place until the sabha got…
Bhor (Maharashtra): In the ‘Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha’ held at Kikvi (Bhor taluka) on the occasion of Maharashtra Day, an appeal was made to Hindus to…
Chennai: Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham Jagadguru Sri Jayendra Saraswati Shankaracharya Swamiji explained how our Dharma is Sanatan, there is no birth or death
Chennai: Hindu Janjagruti Samiti is organizing a Hindu Dharma Jagruti Sabha in Chennai on 19th April, 2009. For this purpose, a meeting of like minded…
Savda (Maharashtra): Attandance of 6500 proud Hindus in the Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held here, confirmed that they were ready and united to stop the invasion…
Tumkur (Karnataka): The Election Commissioner has refused permission to Hindu Dharmajagruti Sadha to be held on 22nd March since Shri. Pramod Mutalik, the chief of…
Dharashiva (Maharashtra): Hindu Dharma-jagruti Sabha held here, 6000 devout Hindus resolved, in the thunderous cries of ‘Har Har Mahadeva’ to crush every calamity fallen on…
Bhagyanagar (Andhra Pradesh): The Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha organized here, concluded successfully with tremendous response of proud Hindus.
Ratnagiri (Maharashtra): Hindu Dharamajagruti Sabha was held here, where 1200 proud Hindus who had gathered for the said Sabha resolved to establish ‘Hindurashtra’.