Kolhapur (Maharashtra): Shiv Sena blocked the highway to register protest against NCERT for distortion of history in the text book set for 7th standard which…
Panaji (Goa): Success of HJS’ agitation against N.C.E.R.T.’s distorted history text! G.B.S. & H.S.E. decides to change the controversial matter in the Std. VII history…
Karnataka: Seminar on national leader relegated to secondary position in NCERT text books and total distortion of History
Tasgaon (Maharashtra): HJS collected signatures for their campaign against NCERT History text book as there is distortion of history in the book. HJS has demanded…
Bangluru: Hindu Janajagruti Samiti Launched State wide Agitation against depiction of wrong history in primary and higher school text books said Mohan Gowda Spokesperson of…
Baramati (Maharashtra): Devout Hindus submitted a representation to Shri. Katkar, the Tehsildar against distorted history taught through the History text book set by NCERT.
Akola (Maharashtra): HJS has given a representation to the Collector of Akola, demanding an action from the government against anti-Hindu NCERT.
Pune (Maharashtra): Shankaracharya Vidyanrusimhsaraswati said, “Students are taught wrong History through N.C.E.R.T text books. It is, therefore, necessary, to hold special tutions to teach true…
Beware parents! The textbooks of Centre’s NCERT teach distorted history! –By Shri Ramesh Shinde, Spokesperson, Maharashtra State, HJS
Mumbai: Delegation of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) called on Shri. Lalkrushna Advani. He was apprised of various activities undertaken by HJS.