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Who lost Europe to Islam?

Here is the speech of Geert Wilders focusing on grave situation of Europe which is heading towards Islamisation of Europe. The speech was given in…

From the heart of a Muslim

Muslim expect that non Muslins should follow Islam,and for that they use wrong ways.This has to be stopped.

Inhuman Human Right Activists (?) in India

This article exposes inhuman Human Right Activists like Teesta Setalvad, who were ahead in accusing Hindu leader Narendra Modi and Gujarat Government for 2002 Gujarat…

Save Kadapa today to save Nation tomorrow

Andhra Pradesh Cabinet had renamed ‘Kadapa’ District as ‘YSR District’ after the former chief minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, who died in a copter crash…

Reason why Bhopal will continue to die

Bhopal will continue to die a slow, disease-egged death for centuries and generations to come and none of the parties concerned — be it Warren…

The Trouble with Dr. Zakir Naik

Britain’s decision to bar an influential Muslim cleric Dr. Zakir Naik from entering the country underscores the failure of Indian secularism.