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Hinduism and Democracy: A Comparison

Democracy is embedded in Indian civilisation and it’s religions before they occured in West.Hinduism only can give the correct meaning of Democracy through Indian epics.

Let all Hindus come together

Media and Government are trying to malign Hindu gurus by different means.And on other side westernisation kill many souls in Asian countries.

Punish Afzal, hang him

What is the point of vacillating in the guise of procedure in the case of Afzal Guru that has been keeping 53 other prisoners on…

Pakistan ranked fifth most unstable country

Washington (USA): Pakistan is the world’s fifth most unstable country, better only than Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and Sudan in that order, says the US State…

Canada’s bogus moral posturing

Defending Canada’s decision not to grant visas to Indians associated with security forces or intelligence agencies, a Canadian tweeted to me, “Great nations must maintain…

Canada knows not what it does

The Canadian insult and deliberate humiliation of India shows India’s inability to deal with foreign governments on its own terms. Generations of native Indians and…

Folly & Failure Of Chidambaram

Indian Home Minister Chidmbaram said that Jihadi Terrorism, Maoist Violence and Naxal Terrorism are due to social conditions, lack of employment opportunities, and deprived status…