Hindu Munnani president Ramagopalan filed a complaint with the then Commissioner of Police in November 2008, but the Tamil Nadu Police has so far not…
The Western Christian elite, from Max Mueller to Macaulay, distorted our history and fed us their distortions. After independence, Marxists and other Western stooges took…
A former CIA analyst, who helped President Barack Obama formulate his Pakistan-Afghanistan policy, sees “a very serious possibility that the next mass casualty terrorist attack…
THE most damaging weakness of India’s political class is its lack of credibility. The government covers up corruption cases. The Opposition dares not pursue them…
In India, STING OPERATION is used to trap spiritual leaders and Hindu social activists like Sri Ram Sena chief Pramod Mutalik who question those who…
Muslim’s mind is set for the Jihad in there Madarasas even though they are well educated.Modern Science could not vanish the Jihad but it is…
Britain is paying the legitimate price for all its brutalities and atrocities against the Hindus of India from 1757 to 1947. The nemesis of Britain…
Why Indian should be grateful to Mother Teresa? She has given a bad name to Calcutta. She collected many millions of Dollars in the name…
This is a dedication to the Martyrs of 1857 which was written by Savarkar on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Indian War…
New York car bomb case will raise question that is America safe from Islamic Terrorism. But this should not deflect us from another, equally pressing,…