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Political, corporate crimes thrive under UPA

Export-import frauds and corporate crimes are thriving due to UPA’s over-indulgence in trade liberalisations and its reluctance to come down heavy on political and corporate…

The terror masters of Kerala

Most security and terror experts agree that the indifferent attitude of the Marxist government and the pro-jihadi policies of the Sonia government helped to furnish…

China: Friend or enemy

WHEN will India ever learn that China is one country that has a clear political aim in view and is not deterred from following it…

An Andhra writer puts Dussasana to shame

Amidst the uneasy and uncertain lull in the Telangana storm, passions in Andhra Pradesh have been incited yet again, this time by an attack on…

A cultural Taliban in secular India

E Ahmed, Union Minister of State for Railways refused to lit an Oil lamp in recently held function. This Anti-Hindu minister has also banned traditional…

Politics and the art of making money

Andhra Pradesh has been liberally spending government money for construction of churches and mosques and subsidies to Christian and Muslim pilgrimages and grants for marriages…