Hindu Janajagruti Samiti conducted a special campaign to create awareness about the do’s and don’ts in Ganeshotsav, at Veer Savarkar Netaji Matriculation School, Kolathur, Chennai.
‘Ganesh murti daan’ or ‘Immersion in artificial water tanks’ drive is being undertaken by few organizations, schools and college students under the name of pollution.…
Shri Ganesh idols should be immersed in natural water bodies or in flowing water of river as prescribed by ‘Dharmashastras’. Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) should…
There should be no water tanks and no donation of idols; Ganesh idols should be immersed only in natural water bodies. The above demand was…
‘Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mahamandal’ set up with the initiative taken by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) submitted a representation to the State Energy Minister Chadrashekhar Bavankule on…
So-called environmentalists are opposing the traditional way of immersion of Ganesh idols in flowing water by equating it with pollution. Ganesh-devotees are forced at many…
Ganesh idols should be immersed in flowing water as per Dharmashastra’ was the appeal made by Shri. Pankaj Bagul of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) during…
Petitions were submitted to Mayor and Dy. District Collector, Akola demanding immersion of Shri Ganesh idols only in flowing water and demanding cancellation of proposed…
HJS’ Pune Press Meet : Instead of giving options like use of idols made of clay and natural colours, drives for donation of idols and…
On 28th August, HJS’ activists submitted a petition to Mayor Shri. Pravin Datake and municipal councilors Shri. Bandu Raut, Shri. Gopal Bohare and Shri. Dayashankar…