Mr T Raja Singh shared the dais with Adv. Vishnu Shankar Jain, Spokesperson, Hindu Front For Justice and Advocate,Delhi, Mr Ramesh Shinde, National Spokesperson, Hindu…
The temple is a centre of rituals, culture, and security. Temples that have fallen into disrepair over time need to be reconstructed and repaired. While…
Today the opposition has started an ideological war. We need ideological warriors to win it. These ideological warriors will study Indian laws and legally empower…
The fort of Devagiri here is renowned in the world. Guru Janardanaswamy of ShantiBrahm Sant Eknath Maharaj lived in this fort and his tomb resides…
If the temple trustees manage the temple well, follow the rules related to the temple, avoid internal disputes, then the government will not have any…
The Union Government should immediately repeal the Hindu-phobic ‘Religious Endowment Act 1951’ which allows the Government to take over the Hindu temples and free all…
People from abroad also believe that peace is achieved only through Sanatan Dharma. Some forces are trying to destroy this Sanatan Hindu Dharma. All Saints,…
Breaking up India has been the policy of the Communists. After these efforts failed in 2014, they started targeting Hindu culture. Dharma, nationalism, and the…
Today the whole world is trying to destroy Hindu Dharma and culture. So we have to systematically get organised and face it. It is necessary…
Post-Independence, Hindus were constantly fed with a barrage of misinformation (read anti-Hindu lies). Even today, a broader anti-Hindu narrative is at play that aims to…