Karad (Maharashtra): Watchful Hindus stopped the screening of anti-Hindu film “Slum dog Millionaire’ at local Prabhat Theatre for the second time.
Jodhpur (Rajasthan): HJS submitted representation to Police Suprentendent of Jodhpur to ban release of ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ as it defames Lord Rama & India.
This is the result of lack of Dharmashikshan among the Hindus that they are slowly imbibing the perverted western culture as they do not have…
Nandurbar (Maharashtra): Shri Ganeshbhai Sonar, owner of Amar Theatre here had cooperated HJS in non-screening of anti-National and anti-Hindu movie’ Slumdog Millionaire’.
Letter to Rajdeep Sardesai seeking apology for hurting Hindu sentiments
We have learned that the upcoming Hollywood movie, ‘Ramayan 3392 A. D.’ plans to reconstruct the sacred Hindu Scripture Ramayan to suit box office needs,…
Mumbai (Maharashtra): The producer and writer of the play have once again played with religious sentiments of Hindus by staging the same play in a…
Mumbai (Maharshtra): The writer and director assured to delete objectionable portion and also from henceforth the play would carry a message on Hinduism.
Such Alert Hindu is the real strength of Hindu Dharma! – Editor
Mumbai (Maharashtra): Akshay Kumar’s pcoming film Bhool Bhulaiya seems to have run into trouble. An advocate has filed a petition in the Mumbai Sessions Court…