Bagalkot (Karnataka): The police on Wednesday detained 30 persons in case bundh called by Pro-Hindu organisations. The bundh was called as some anti-Hindus desecrated three…
Students of J J Institute of Applied Arts has denigrated Ramayana and Hindu deities through paintings drawn in the walls of the campus of J…
Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala): The alleged ‘love jihad’ movement in Kerala has a political sub text. Both ABVP and SFI allege that NDF is carrying out forced…
Many cases continue to be filed in Karnataka High Court related to love affairs and the alleged communal angle despite police investigations revealing no evidence…
Kolkata: Calcutta High Court on Wednesday granted the anticipatory bail plea of a 26-year-old Muslim youth from Murshidabad who had been accused of kidnapping and…
The National Gallery of Modern Art has specially curated an exhibition, which consists of national treasure from late 18th century to the present day along…
A Hindu priest was attacked, stripped and shamed in a Malaysian temple for asking for a raise in his salary. Kanagaraja was reportedly attacked violently…
Paush Shuddha Dwitiya, Kaliyug Varsha 5111 Why we must stop Denigration of Hindu Deities and Icons? By Our Correspondant Fox News’ Glenn Beck now says he…
Lord Ganesh has been denigrated through picture drawn on T-shirts, which is supplied in market by Motiba Hosiery, Bangalore. All Hindus are requested to protest…
Christian groups have agreed to avoid aggressive evangelization methods in Karnataka.