Chennai: Even while chief minister M. Karunanidhi and his cabinet colleagues swear that Lord Rama is only a mythological character and the Rama Sethu a…
Amravati (Maharashtra): Hindus who denigrate Hindu deities are themselves enemies of Hinduism. – Editor
Kolkata: “Ram was born in the imagination of poets and Ram Sethu is a natural formation under the sea,” Bhatacharjee told a meeting to mark…
Khed (Maharashtra): Shri. Vilas Bhuvad of the HJS and Shri. and Sau. Todkari of the Sanatan Sanstha welcomed Maharaj.
Sangli (Maharashtra): When the religious sentiments of Muslims are hurt they immediately resort to violence and rioting. Hindus do not do this, that is why…
Mumbai (Maharashtra): The New Life Christian Association has organised a huge convention at the Netaji Subhashchandra Bose Maidan opposite the Vashi police station from 6th…
Thane (Maharashtra): President of the Bhumisena Shri. Kaluram Dhondade and office bearer of the Adivasi Ekta Parishad, Shri. Datta Karvat and Shri. Shashikant Shanvat have…
Mumbai (Maharashtra): Between 20th November and 20th December a ‘Shila yatra’ of the floating stones from Rameshvaram is being organised by the VHP with a…
Nagpur (Maharashtra): The resolution to extend the time to the committee was put forth by the Social Welfare and Law Minister of the State, Shri.…
Tamilnadu: We wonder? why? Afterall tourism is sought to be promoted as a developmental initiative, as part of heritage-pilgrimage tourism, tirtha yatra Bharatiya tradition.