Chopda (Maharashtra): Devout Hindus from Chopda submitted a representation to the Nayab Dy. Tehsildar for protection of Ram-setu
Mumbai (Maharashtra): Govt. should take quick decision on the demand made by HJS to impose ban on sale of national flags made of paper and…
Shegaon (Maharashtra): This Act is an assault on Hindu Dharma. Therefore, every Hindu should register his/her opinion against the Act. – Vakte Maharaj
Mumbai (Maharashtra): Uma Ravi a proud Hindu has protested against The Banyan’s auctioning of painting started by former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam that will…
Hyderabad: Christian groups decided to challenge the Andhra Pradesh govt’s order 747 that bans propagation of any religion other than Hinduism in Tirupati and other…
London: Hindu Human Rights group has organised a protest at the Malaysian Embassy on 31 Aug. Friday at 1.30pm – Belgrave Sq. SW1 (Tube Hyde…
Ratnagiri (Maharashtra): A resolution, imposing ban on anti-Hindu program devised by Educational Board in Ratnagiri.
New Delhi: Citing media reports, Dhindsa said the hooligans had taken over Bhai Charu Singh gurdwara.
New Delhi: “There is a conspiracy to blow up Ram Setu which was built up by Lord Rama,” he said, asserting that there were enough…
Mumbai (Maharashtra): The last date for expressing public opinion regarding ‘The Maharashtra Black Magic and Superstitions Bill of 2005’ is 30th August 2007.