After Vadodara incident Mr. Singh has written an article ‘Cultures & vultures: wake-up call from Vadodara’ in the ‘The Hindu’. In his article Mr. Singh…
Devout Hindus in Pune have condemned ABN Amro bank for printing anti-Hindu painter M F Hussain’s drawing on its credit card and they also lodged…
M F Husain has finally broken his silence over a controversial nude drawing which caused an uproar in India and forced him to relocate to…
The Media Centre for National Security (MCNS) says Police have uncovered a haul of arms and ammunition hidden inside the Amman Kovil at Velanithurai in…
A fanatic missionary from Faridabad (Haryana State) has been distributing copies of Bible to people from affluent localities of Mumbai.
Maharashtra Government is trying to take over all temples, mutts and religious institutions. ‘Nationalization’ of temples is an assault on Hindu Dharma. Vishwa Hindu Parishad…
The Education and Cultural Affairs minister M.A. Baby received an e-mail threatening him after the government made the decision to give an award to anti-Hindu…
The State Election Commission had published an advertisement using Lord Sree Ganesh and the mouse as its theme with a view to encourage voters to…
Shri. Vyankatesh Abdev, the regional chief of VHP said in a press conference that the proposed act for taking over temples will help the Government…
Indigenous leaders in Brazil have reacted angrily to Pope Benedict’s comments that their predecessors had willingly converted to Christianity.