By Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
By Hindu Janajagruti SamitiM.F. Husain’s paintings for Auction by Saffron Art GalleryStrong demonstrations by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
08.05.2006 Bagalkot, Karnataka, Karnataka follows Maharashtra in Hindu Uprising.
07.05.2006* The Central Home Ministry takes a note of report by Intelligence Bureau* Possibility of riots if no action is taken against Hussain � Intelligence…
Are devotees of Shri Ganesha selfish to just ask from God and be seated even though Govt loots deities’ offerings?
01.05.2006 : Anant Shri Vibhushit Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Swami Narendracharya Maharaj re-converts 1151 to Hinduism on Maharashtra Day!
30.04.2006 The Anti-Hindu Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti!