A scheduled performance by comedian Munawar Faruqui later this month in the city has been cancelled after the organisers “received several calls to drop him”…
The creation of a parallel economy based on such a religion in secular India is very serious from the point of view of national security…
Shri. Manoj Khadye of the HJS has been creating awareness through ‘Sampark Abhiyans’ regarding the Halal Economy across Gujarat, Western Maharashtra and Konkan districts. Businessmen,…
Due to ‘halal’ economy, the minority fanatics are running a kind of dictatorship over the majority. Therefore, the Devgad Taluka Suvarnakar Sanghatan has demanded that…
Christian missionaries who are converting innocent tribals in Chhattisgarh through luring and intimidation are “more dangerous than Naxals”, a BJP MP said on Friday. Raising…
Until and unless the common public is made aware of this insult of Hindu Dharma and until alert Hindus raise their voice against it, such…
The social media giant Twitter, known for its leftist bias, has suspended another non-left account on their platform, citing “violating rules against ban evasion” as…
Indian history, if it is taught truthfully, and there are many documents to support this, is glorious, ancient and wise, and will make the youth…
School textbooks should highlight the lives of hitherto unknown men and women from different states and districts, who have positively influenced national history, honour and…
The Kanaka Kaleeswarar temple near Sriperumbudur, run by Tapovanam Charitable trust has been helping small temples around it to survive and preventing conversion in the…