Develop earnest devotion like Shiva Chhatrapati said Pujya Sambhajirao Bhide (Guruji), the Founder of ‘Sri Shiva- Pratishthan’ giving guidance to ‘Dharakaris’ on the first day…
Police detained a Hindu in custody and brutally beat him up. The incident took place recently in Pirozpur district, Bangla Desh. Bangla Desh Minority Watch…
It’s not just the saffron leaders that are chanting the Hindutva mantra. All across Uttar Pradesh, which paved the way for BJP to ride back…
Pramod Mutalik, chief of Sri Ramasene will address an “urgent press conference” on the “national issue of Love Jihad” on Friday in Mumbai.
Issues were discussed in Guruvandan Programme such as, various problems being faced by Hindus in Kerala due to fanatics, cow slaughtering, love jihad and government…
Mr. Arvind Kapatkar explained the intension and vibration science behind the positive slogan for the successful agitation.
Tyagi and his 100-plus team of RSS volunteers attend calls, upload Facebook messages, go door-to-door and hold protests in western UP against ‘love jihad’, armed…
On hearing the above, Sriram Sena immediately registered protest against the CM at various places. At Dharwad, in presence of Shri. Pramod Mutalik, Siddharamaiyya’s effigy…
Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang dal and Rashtrawadi Shivsena activists today demonstrated at Pragati maidan in New Delhi to oppose the Lifestyle Exhibition called ‘Alishan…
Pakistani Sikhs’s Protest against targeted killings of members of the minority community in recent weeks.