Senior Hindu leader Tapan Ghosh led Hindu Samhati paid tribute to legendary Gopal Mukherjee. Remembering 16th August, 1946, a rally of around 10,000 Hindu Samhati…
BJP Government has become slave of drug and pub mafias. If I expose such illegal dealings; they too would be exposed and therefore, they are…
If inhabitants of England are English, Germany are Germans and USA are Americans then why all inhabitants of Hindustan are not known as Hindus, came…
Even if every rapist is given death sentence, rape will not be stopped. The only solution to the problem is imparting ‘Dharma-Shikshan’ and teaching ‘Sadhana’…
As Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) alleges “love jihad,” the outfit has planned to counter it by “invoking the rakhi-bond” in the sensitive western Uttar Pradesh…
Volunteers of RSS worked under guidance of team of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and helped in rescue operations at Malin in much disciplined manner.
An important principle of Hindu Dharma is nobody has to thrust upon this philosophy on the world but people get drawn towards this philosophy on…
Jammu-Kashmir Government imposed ban on Kausarnag pilgrimage of Hindus without giving any prior notice; therefore, demonstrations were held on 3rd August to condemn this ban.
Fanatics were trying to grab part of land belonging to a temple iin Andheri as they had placed tin sheds on vacant land of temple…
Condemning the relief fund granted to Kabir’s family, who was gunned down by an ANF personnel at Sringeri checkpost, Hindu Jagarana Vedike, Surathkal, convened a…