Mumbai: Mr. Vikramrao Savarkar said, “Today, the country is getting divided into a number of parts and therefore, Gandhism is not practical in the present…
Hindus have urged the schools/departments of religion of major American universities to strengthen their Hinduism sections.
Entertainment icon Michael Jackson’s “pind-daan”, a sacred Hindu ritual for salvation and peace, was held at holy city of Bodh Gaya in Bihar State of…
A hand pump located inside the premises of an ancient Hanuman temple in Uttar Pradesh is visited by hundreds of people irrespective of their religion…
Hindu and Jewish leaders have urged to provide unconditional access to area devotees to the Hindu temple in Pataudi (India), which had been reportedly closed…
The Holy Sankara Mutt is a coffee table book that is a collector’s issue for those spiritually connected to the Kamakoti Peetham in Kanchipuram, Tamil…
The names were given to the Hollywood superstar’s three children by Swami Daram Dev of Ashram Hari Mandir in Pataudi
Cardiff schools could introduce a pilot Transcendental Meditation (TM) programme to relieve stress on pupils.
Disney is reportedly in talks with Indias Vimanika Comics to bringHindu mythological superheroes to film and television.It could see Karna brought to life on screen.
Hindu leaders in the U.S. are grappling with the question of who speaks for their community, and whether and how the Hindu community becomes, collectively,…