Pune (Maharashtra): Mr. Milind Ekbote said, “Sharad Pawar’s conspiracy of calling Hindus in Bharat as terrorists has boomeranged, to his detriment in Sadhvi Pragya case.”
he Arya Kanya Gurukul, the only gurukul of its kind in Punjab, where girls along with studies learn Vedic traditions. It aims at inculcating Vedic…
Mumbai: Immersed in bust deep water, priests of Mumbai’s Sri Sankara Mattham temple chanted mantras and performed Yajna to appease rain Gods. The ‘Yajna’ was…
Gujarat CM Narendra Modi has been Chosen as the fDi Personality for the Year 2009
The effort by Francois Gautier is to take Indian History to the entire world through his Museum. The FACT exhibition presented in New Jersey work…
The Hinduism spreading wide. Now it reaches the White House – president of the Asian Indian Women in America presents it there.
The newsmagazine “Newsweek” now states the fact of Christians turning Hindu after realising the profound Bas eof Hinduism!
Patna (Bihar): Following stiff opposition from the priests who conduct the rituals, the state government has canceled the plan
Sanskrit mantras are reportedly increasingly bringing healing to the West. Many healing centers, yoga studios, etc.are reportedly turning to mantra chanting for various purposes.
More than 200 Dalits who had embraced Christianity were ‘reconverted’ to Hinduism at a village near Dindigul in a function organised by VHP.