Nishan Duraiappah, Peel Police Chief, issued a statement that the Police department would not tolerate such hate crimes in Peel which is known for its…
‘Dismantling Global Hindutva (DGH)’, an international conference being held in the USA between 10th and 12th September 2021 is spreading immense hatred towards ‘Hindutva’ and…
The Swindon Hindu Temple in UK was vandalized and robbed for the fifth time. The desecration of the Swindon Hindu Temple was discovered on Saturday…
Hindu organisations, most of them based in USA, have organised an online conference on ‘Hindutva remembers 9/11 heroes’. The conference will be held on 12…
‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ is a program organised at global level against Hindus. The program is receiving opposition from all over the world and it has…
One member each from the loan families of Tibetans will be deployed permanently at the LAC with India. They further added that China has already…
The 14 artefacts being repatriated includes six bronze or stone sculptures, a brass processional standard, a painted scroll, and six photographs worth about $2.2 million…
According to the medical examination report, Silsila Alikhil had pain, swelling and rope marks and wrist and ankle joints, swelling around eyes
Pratima Roy has penned a post on LinkedIn where she has unapologetically stood by her faith and thanked others for their support.
Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger says the site is taken over by leftists who reject content that doesn’t fit their agenda