With the Allahabad High Court likely to deliver its verdict on Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri mosque title suit next month, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad rooted for a…
Kolhapur (Maharashtra): Call by Hindus at Kolhapur to display the picture of slaying of Afzal Khan – The notice by police about the prohibition of…
The Sri Maha Mariamman temple, the oldest functioning Hindu temple in Kuala Lumpur, has been given the honour of being the first ever temple portrayed…
The Rajya Sabha Saturday passed a bill to re-establish the historic Nalanda University in Bihar as an international institute of learning.
The historic town of Thanjavur is getting ready for festivities as its world-famous Big Temple, an edifice of the great Chola kingdom, turns 1000.
Allentown Art Museum in Pennsylvania (USA) is currently exhibiting various Hindu sculptures under its Indian Art exhibition, which will continue till September five.
Hindus have extended warm welcome to Oscar winner Hollywood star Julia Roberts (Pretty Woman) into the Hindu fold.
City Council of Visalia (California, USA), one of the fastest growing cities of California, reverberated with Sanskrit mantras from ancient Hindu scriptures on August two,…
Indonesia comprises 13,677 islands of which over 6000 are inhabited. Of its total population of 20.28 crores, more than 88 per cent are Muslims, and…
New Delhi: An attempt was made by ‘Headline Today’ belonging to ‘India Today’ group through a ‘sting’ operation to show Hindus as terrorists. Today, Hindus…