A total of Rs 12 crore has been spent in last 20 years for protection and upkeep of Ramjanam Bhumi-Babri Masjid site, the government said…
BJP leader Subramanian Swamy said he would approach the Supreme Court if PM Narendra Modi-led government at the Centre does not start the construction of…
Union Minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti has said that a temple of Lord Ram would be constructed at Ayodhya with the consensus of all sections of…
Modi Government should fix some time-limit and BJP should build a huge Sriram Mandir in Ayodhya as per their election manifesto; else, intense agitation will…
Demonstrations were held under ‘Rashtreeya Hindu Andolan’ at Kalyan for demands like construction of huge Ram Mandir in Ayodhya by BJP within certain time limit…
according to this verdict given by the High Court there is no controversy about Ramjanmabhumi. Hence it is the demand of all Hindus that the…
HJS-Thane unit stated, ‘our demand is that, in order to garner Hindu votes, political parties should also include demands by Hindus in their election manifestos.
While speaking about the controversy of Ayodhya Babri Masjid, there is no reason why Government cannot issue the order to build Lord Rama Temple.
In an apparent move to avoid stoking a fresh controversy as BJP comes to terms with a bitter separation from JD(U), Gujarat chief minister NarendraModi…
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad activists observed the 20th anniversary of Babri mosque demolition as Shaurya diwas.