A representation was submitted to senior police inspector, Mr. Suresh Nirmal attached to Pantnagar Police Station, Ghatkopar (East) by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) demanding prevention…
National Flags made of plastic are purchased on 26th January, the Republic Day, which are later found strewn all over the roads and in gutters.…
HJS submitted representations to District Collector of Mumbai and suburbs; so also to DGP, Maharashtra State for preventing abuse of National Flag occurring on 26th…
A representation to the above effect was submitted to District Collector Rahul Mahiwal of Amaravati. He promised to pass an order to stop such abuse.
For the past many years, HJS which is ever ready to protect the Nation and Dharma, has been undertaking a drive to prevent abuse of…
Mumbai: Dharmashakti Sena, youth branch of HJS organised Human Chain to appeal society to keep the sanctity of National Flag intact. It received huge response…
Memorandums to the government establishments at various places on behalf of the Samiti.
Mapusa (Goa): Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) recently submitted a memorandum to the Deputy Collector of Bardez, Mr. Dasharath Redkar demanding a serious implementation of the…
Thane (Maharashtra): HJS members submitted memorandums to Police and Tehsildar at Thane, Murbad and Badlapur to prevent insult of National Flag. Also HJS members created…
Lasalgaon (Maharashtra): Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) members submitted representation to Police Inspector here to stop abuse of National Flags on the occasion of 15 August.