Jammu and Kashmir government today said Rs 2,000 would be charged as entry fee per vehicle carrying pilgrims to the cave shrines of Mata Vaishnodevi…
Shahapur (Maharashtra): HJS submitted memorandum to Tehsildar against Pandharpur Temple Committee for selling cows to the butchers.
The land owned by the Sikh temple is seized unfairly in Pakistan with agenda to destroy existence of Hindu or Sikh Gurudwaras in the country…
Tuljapur (Maharashtra): Mr. Pravin Gedam, the District Collector has issued an order, which is against Dharma, that the priest should not stand in front of…
Bangalore (Karnataka): Hindu Pontiffs from all over India met to discuss the issue of Temple take over by Government. The meeting was also attended by…
Panvel (Maharashtra): HJS agitated here against anti-Hindu NCERT Textbooks and Pandharpur Temple Committee for selling cows to the butchers.
Sambhajinagar (Maharashtra): HJS carried out protest procession against Pandharpur Temple Committee for selling cows to the butchers.
Madikeri (Karnataka): HJS and devout Hindus have warned District Adinistration to agitate, if permission given to meat shop near the Temple is not withdrawn.
Pananji (Goa): Due to the movement started by HJS for protection of the temples in Goa, Goa Govt.’s new list have 200 unauthorised religious places,…
Pandharpur (Maharashtra): Pandharpur Temple Committee sold cows to butchers, but now it is falsely claiming that cows were sold to farmers.