Halal Certification is slowly becoming all-pervasive. From food to cosmetics, from hospitals to hospitality, from clothing to housing, Halal certification is chipping away into the nation’s economy. It is a system that is dictated by a certain religion’s beliefs that has crept into India’s secular system. It is a parallel economy that has taken a giant leap to stand up and challenge the GDP of quite a few nations. It is a system that has been found complicit in terror funding. Halal certification based Halal economy is a system that needs to be dismantled for the safety and security of India and her people.

Halal – The gateway to Islamization of India


Non-Muslims are compelled to consume halal products violating their personal freedom


Only Muslims are employed, resulting in minority community taking over businesses


Increasingly bringing oblivious Hindus under the authority of Sharia law


Traders forced to cough up money to get goods Halal certified from dubious certification boards


Halal certification fee funneled to support terrorism and expansion of Islam in India and abroad


Halal economy on track to overthrow Indian economy, is the world’s fastest growing economy

Union Govt must Impose immediate ban on religion-based

‘Halal’ certification

Goal – 10,000 signatures

Union Govt must Impose immediate ban on religion-based

‘Halal’ certification

Goal – 10,000 signatures

Efforts of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has spearheaded the movement against ‘Halal Jihad’ since 2019

The Samiti was the first to come out with a book with comprehensive research & statistics on Halal Jihad

The Samiti also organized online discussions with businessmen and legal experts on Halal Certification

The Samiti led delegations have sought a complete ban on religion based ‘Halal certificate’ system and investigations into all institutions issuing such certificates

The Samiti organized national level Hindu Rashtra Jagruti Andolan along with likeminded organizations demanding an immediate ban on Halal certification.

The Samiti organizes public lectures for businessmen, traders, and entrepreneurs, on Halal Jihad, who are actively joining HJS’ drive against this economic jihad.

The Samiti has been encouraging people to consider consuming non-Halal certified goods through special awareness drives during Diwali and other festivals.

The Samiti scored a big win against the Halal economy when the organizers of Halal Show India were forced to cancel it due to uproar from all sections of society.

One of the biggest wins for the Hindu unity was when the Union government dropped the requirement for all export quality meat to be Halal certified

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What can you do ?

Do not buy or sell any Halal certified products

Stop patronising establishments that sell Halal meat

Do not seek Halal certification for your products

Use your social media influence to create awareness about dangers of Halal jihad

Distribute books, pamphlets, posters creating awareness about Halal jihad in your area

Protest against eateries that offer only Halal meat or Halal food items

Demand that the HMO investigates whether funds collected to issue Halal certificates are being utilised to support terrorism

Submit letters to Minister of Commerce & Industry, the PMO and the District authorities demanding a ban on the parallel Halal economy system

Use the Prevention of Cruelty Act, 1960, make efforts to ban the unjust customs that are part of Halal slaughter to ensure humane treatment to animals

Organise lectures and seminars on Halal economy to raise awareness among Hindus in your respective areas.

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Halal is a pre-Islamic Arabic word that means ‘that which is permissible’. The opposite word is Haram ‘that which is forbidden’. With the advent of Islam, Halal came to denote all that was permissible under the tenets of Islam and those that did not conform to the tenets of Islam were termed as Haram. Muslims insist on consuming only Halal products since guidelines are mandated by the Quran, and not adhering to them is considered as sin. The inclusion of even a single facet that is haram in the processing of any halal product renders the end product haram (unfit for consumption by a Muslim). These form the basis for Halal economy as well as the guidance by Islamic scholars to Muslims world over on this subject.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation is a collective of Islamic nations that caters to the needs to Muslims world over. It is an Ummah (community) sans borders. It has made non Islamic nations like India, Nepal, China to obtain Halal certification from competent certifying authorities, for products that they wish to export to Islamic countries. So now, every exporter has to pay up to obtain this certification. Halal certifying authority pays more attention to religious aspects rather than the functioning. It is also not possible for the companies to employ only Muslim employees when operating in non Islamic countries (Da al-harb). So companies today are being ‘asked’ to pay up large sums of money as ‘halal certification fees’ if they want their products to be certified for use by Muslims. 

Not only food, from medicine to lipstick also Halal

The Global Halal Certification Market is no longer limited to eats, but touches every sphere of our daily lives – from meats to packages foods, from housing projects to hospitals, from medicines to beauty products; even malls are not exempt ! Halal friendly tourism also takes place in today’s date and warehouse also gets Halal certificate. Halal is also involved in logistics, media, branding and marketing. There are halal certified dating websites that do this in a sharia compliant way. A Kochi-based builder had even recently offered to sell halal-certified apartments. Anyone who wishes to export their products to Islamic countries has to be Halal Certified.

If a product industry wants to be certified by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization), then it has to stringently adhere to certain rules and regulations; but if an  industry (for example a restaurant) wants to be halal certified then the Halal certifying authority pays more attention to religious aspects rather than the functioning – whether the meat or other products being used there are halal certified or not. The audit methodology used by the Halal certifying body usually involves

a.     Neither is nor consist of or contains any part or matter of an animal that a Muslim is prohibited by Shariah to consume or that has not been slaughtered in accordance with Shariah.

b.     Does not contain anything which is considered to be impure according to Shariah.

c.     Has not been prepared, processed or manufactured using an instrument that was not free from anything impure according to Shariah; and

d.     Has not in the course of preparation, processing or storage been in contact with or close proximity to any food that fails to satisfy conditions (a) (b) or (c) or anything that is considered to be impure according to Shariah.

The certifying body then conducts regular as well surprise inspections to ensure that the above are adhered to.

Going through these conditions, it is apparent that no special skill is involved here. For example any regular restaurant may be adhering to these conditions (albeit unintentionally); but by creating a framework to address even simple issues, the halal economy is being expanded.

There are five or six institutions in India that issue Halal certificates. The highest demand is from Jamiat-Ulama-e-Maharashtra and Jamiat-Ulama-e-Hind Halal Trusts. Sharia committees decide whether to issue a halal certificate by looking at the reports and documents submitted by the company. It does not seem that there is scientific or analytical testing of the product. The government has no role in this whole process.

Where does the money for Halal certificates end up going?
Why are non-Muslims forced to buy Halal certified products?
Where do the agencies issuing halal certificates use such a huge amount?

These are some important questions repeatedly asked on Halal in India. Shri. Ramesh Shinde, National Spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti wrote in a article that, Halal Economy – standing at 2 trillion dollars it competes with the Indian GDP! A parallel economic system entrenched in religion is taking shape; which will certainly have an impact on the ‘secular’ fabric of India. Hindus should avoid buying ‘Halal’ certified products and products of such companies which are ‘Islamising’ Hindu traditions. 

Saroj Chadha, who has served 23 years in the Indian Army, wrote in his blog on the Times of India that the government’s intervention will anger not only Indian Muslims, but the Islamic world as well. It can also be projected as a curtailment of the fundamental rights of Muslims. It would be better to let the consumer decide. If non-Muslims feel that Halal certification is cheating on them or it hurts their sentiments, then they should not buy such products. 

The value of the Halal market is more than 3 trillion dollars (Rs 24,71,38,50,00,00,000). Its market is growing at the rate of 15-20% every year. Of these, the share of food items is only 6-8%. About 32% of the world’s population is Muslim. They have a huge consumer base and are important to the manufacturers. No industry would want to make the same product in two ways, one that is Halal certified and the other for non-Islamic countries. This will also increase the cost and also complicate the production. For this reason, companies find it easier to sell the same product to everyone by taking a Halal certificate.

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India; Maharashtra has the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA); as do other states. These bodies are entrusted with the task of certifying food safety and practices. They have stringent standards that need to be upheld to be certified; standards which are not limited to just the product but include the place of production, fire safety and even waste management. These certificates also come with a fee. So while the secular government has provisions and necessary bodies to audit and attest food standards, how were Islamic private bodies granted permission to issue halal certifications? These private bodies do not follow any of the government regulations, but stick to religious guidelines to issue certificates. So doesn’t the government think that the ‘fee’ that they collect to issue ‘certificates’ illegal?

The government has absolutely no control over Halal certification bodies. This raises a serious question about how these funds are utilised. 

In India, Jamiat Ulema-e-hind halal trust is one of the major Halal certifying bodies. The Jamiat ulema-e-hind was established in 1919 to protest against the British occupation of India. This organization, along with the INC, played a role in the freedom movement. However the topic of partition split the organization into two; and the Jamiat ulema-e-islam faction supported a separate nation for the muslims and shifted to Pakistan. Today the Jamiat ulema-e-hind is a powerful entity in religious as well as political circles. During the recent protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (2019), the Bengal state president of the JuH Siddiqullah Chowdhury had threatened that the ‘Home Minister Amit Shah will not be allowed to step out of the Kolkata airport’. This organization had also declared that it will fight in favour of those accused of murdering Hindu leader Kamlesh Tiwari of Uttar Pradesh. In the past the JuH has also provided legal support to the muslim accused in several acts of terrorism including the 7/11 Mumbai train blasts, 2006 Malegaon blasts, German Bakery blast (Pune), the 26/11 attack on Mumbai, the serial blasts of Zaveri Bazaar in Mumbai, Delhi’s Jama Masjid blast and the Karnavati (Ahmedabad) bomb blast among others. The Jamiat is fighting cases on behalf of about 700 such accused. It remains to be seen if the funds required to do this are being provided by the Hindus by way of the Halal certification fees.


Listen to Hindu leaders

Prashant Sambaragi, Film Distributor, Businessman and Hindu Leader, Bengaluru
Vinod Bansal, National Spokesperson, Vishwa Hindu Parishad
Ramesh Shinde, National Spokesperson, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
Ravi Ranjan Singh, Chairman, Jhatka Certification Authority
Neeraj Attri, President, Vivekananda Karya Samiti
Girish Bhardwaj, Founder President, Bharatha Punatutthana Trust

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