- Understand the Law
- Meet the Gou-rakshaks
- Efforts you can take for protecting cows
- Encourage Goushala
- Sponsor a Cow
O Hindus, understand the correct way for protection of cows!
1. ‘Maharashtra Animal Protection Act 1976’ : Support of ‘Maharashtra Animal Protection Act 1976’ can be taken to stop the trucks and vehicles which do trafficking of cows. As per the law, and under sections 5 and 6 of I.P.C. (Indian Penal Code), there is a ban on slaughtering of cows in Maharashtra. No section of society, irrespective of its caste, traditions or way of living is allowed to slaughter cows. As per section 10 of I.P.C., any trafficking of cows or taking cows for slaughtering is a crime. As per section 11, encouraging slaughtering of cows is a punishable crime. As per section 12, the one who acts as per rule 1976 (that is, one who protects cows) will be considered a ‘Loksevak’ (social worker). As per section 13, police cannot lodge any legal complaint against a person who tries to protect cows.
2. Laws related to transport of animals : There is detailed information about what care should be taken while transporting animals in the report of the verdict given by Justice Shinde, Honourable judge of High court of Nagpur in 2010. As per the information, the base of the vehicle should be 2 x 2.75 sq. metre. In one truck, only 4 or 5 animals at the back and only 1 animal in the minidoor can be transported. For this, the help of report of Maharashtra Government, compiled in 2005 has been taken. While transporting animals, there should be a medical report of the animals, which suggests that the animals are in a medically fit condition to travel in the vehicle. There should water, grass and medicines available for the animals in the vehicle. There should be enough space for air flow in the vehicle. If any one of the above mentioned is absent in the vehicle, one can surely assume that those animals are being taken for slaughtering, and then it can be reported to the police. These animals can be taken in one’s custody and taken to a Go-shala (cow ranch) with the help of the police.
3. Necessity of medical report from a veterinary doctor : There should be medical report from a veterinary doctor that those animals are medically fit to travel. Also, permission has to be taken from the regional transport department for transportation of the animals. As there are veterinary doctors available in the slaughter houses, they give the medical report which is required for slaughtering. However, there is a law which states that, medical report for slaughtering of animals that are less then 16 years of age cannot be prepared. – Advocate Shri. Devdas Shinde, Pune.
For Reference : Legal provisions that can be used to prevent Cow-slaughter !
1. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960
2. The Performing Animals Rules, 1973
3. The Performing Animals (Registration) Rules, 2001
4. The Prevention of Cruelty To Draught And Pack Animals Rules, 1965
5. The Transport of Animals Rules, 1978
6. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter House) Rules, 2001
7. The Experiments On Animals (Control And Supervision) Rules, 1968
8. The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
Legal guidance to help overcome the difficulties faced while fighting the illegal transportation of cows and calves
The Gaurakshaks are working with intense yearning to protect cows, however due lack of legal knowhow its difficult to take action. This article provides the legal guidance to overcome the difficulties faced by Gauraksha while fighting the illegal transportation of cows and calves.
Legal guidance regarding Cow Protection and slaughter house
The animal activists face lots of problems in protecting the cattle as it involves a system whose financial interests are involved in the butchering. There are many laws, rules and regulations in India which relate to animals. They cover the preservation and protection aspects. The focus of this article is the use of law, rules and government structure through for prevention of illegal and cruel slaughtering of animals and in particulars Cows/Cattle.
Videos on Goraksha and related legal issues
Gomaata Chikitsa
Contact Number : 09444034723
[email protected]
Goshala Management
Join M D Panchgavya
पंचगव्य विद्यापीठम विस्तार केन्द्रम, टाटा नगर (हिन्दी एवं मगही)
पता: 37, स्वर्ण रेखा फ्लैट, गंडक रोड, साक्ची, जमशेदपुर 831001
संपर्क: गव्यसिद्ध डॉ. गीता सिंह कुशवाहा
मोबाइल: 9204617334, 9234567864
ईमेल: [email protected]
Meet the Gou-rakshaks
Shri. Satishkumar Pradhan, Gau Raksha Dal, Punjab
What efforts will you take for protecting cows?
1. Keep an eye on the illegal trafficking of cows.
2. Stop illegal trafficking of cows immediately, and take the animals in your custody.
3. Understand the rules first, and only then present your points.
4. Clearly present your point that ‘cows are being taken away for slaughtering.’
5. Do not leave the place till the cows are taken into custody by the police. Most of the times, police constables themselves are unaware about the rules related to cow protection; so explain it to them about it. Give them a copy of it. Before doing so, make sure you yourself are clear about the rules.
6. Hindus who have space for building a cow-shed should make efforts to tame and look after atleast one cow.
7. Put banners everywhere which says, ‘Hindus will be saved only if cows are saved.’ – Advocate Shri. Devdas Sinde.
Pressurize the Govt. for implementing the law
banning Cow-slaughter and for taking care, nurturing Cows !
Send representations to MLAs, MPs, Chief Minister, Prime Minister, President etc. for protection of Cows with the following demands !
- Pass an Act prohibiting slaughter of Cows and cattle all over the country as passed by the State of Gujarat !
- Close down immediately all illegal slaughter-houses (approximately 66, 000) in the country !
- Cancel the recommendations of Planning Commission demanding permission for export of beef !
- Include syllabus in school text books that will impart knowledge on Cow and related aspects !
- Grant subsidies for all projects related to Cow-husbandry (e.g. ‘Gou-shalas’) !
Do the following for protection of cows !
1. Everybody should tame atleast one cow at home. If this is not possible, give financial help to Go-shalas (Cow ranch) that take care of cows.
2. Make daily use of products like toothpaste, soap, utne, dhoop (frankincense), mosquito repellent etc. which are made by using the healthy Panchagavya.
3. Make use of only cow’s milk, and curd and ghee made only from cow’s milk.
4. At home, if you fall sick, make use of only those medicines which are made from the healthy, nutritious and easily available Panchagavya.
5. Avoid using plastic bags which are responsible for the death of lakhs of cows.
6. Try to recognize the products which are responsible for slaughtering of cows and avoid using them; and also make people aware about it. For example, footwear made from leather, leather coats, purse, suitcase, belts, mats etc. that are manufactured by killing cows. – Shri. Gajanan Harishchandra Mandrekar (‘Navprabha’)
7. Avoid medicines made by slaughtering of cows like beef-insulin, dexorange syrup, various medicines which are used as calcium supplements. (Everyone must know that all medicines which have ‘Bovine’ written on it are made from cow’s meat.)
8. Make use of only organic products that are grown using natural fertilisers.
9. Help and protect cows which are being taken to slaughter houses and are in trouble. (Calender of Vishwa Hindu Parishad – 2010)
Boycott products of McDonalds!’
‘McDonalds’, an international company, which supplies food products worldwide, is an owner of various slaughter houses (which kills cows) all over the world. They give cows some sort of special meat to eat, which has some chemical injected into it, which makes cows healthy. Later, they kill these cows and reap a lot of money through its meat. They are greedy for money. There is a big chain of McDonalds’ food outlets worldwide. In Bharat (India) also there are outlets where people come in large numbers, and unknowingly have food which has cow’s meat (beef) mixed in it. All food products of this company have cow’s meat to some extent. Tea powder which has cow’s meat in it is sold openly in the market. Our friends say that ‘cows in USA (America) crave so much for meat that they eat meat of pigs, hen, duck etc. However, when they are given mosquitos, cockroaches or any other insects they get fearful and run away.’ – Gurudev Dr. Kateswamiji (weekly Sanatan Chintan, 21/4/2011)
Do not commit the unpardonable sin of eating cow’s meat!
In food products made by foreign companies, like pizza, burger etc. they apply a small layer of cow’s meat at the base. Therefore, stop eating any kind of food prepared by foreign companies.
Many a times, the silver foil which is used in sweets have foil made from the intestine of cow. Do not buy such food products.
Stop slaughtering of cows and protect Hindus from terrorism.
As per a Government report, the money gathered by selling bones of cows is used entirely for ‘jihad’.
Encourage Goushala
‘Maharshi Vagabhatt Gaushala’, ideal Goushala for all the Goushalas in India
A reason behind the establishment of the Maharshi Vagabhatt Gaushala was the offshoot of a simple thought – If our Bharatiya ‘gau’ is Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth herself, then why does one need to ask for donations for the protection and welfare of the ‘gau’ and her progeny.
The idea of the birth of Maharshi Vagabhatt Gaushala at Kachipuram arose in the mind of the Late Shri Rajiv Bhai Dixit. This idea materialized in 1999, in Katavakam village of Kanchipuram Dist, the form of Maharshi Vagabhatt Gaushala. This was an experiment, an storm that arose in a young mind, in the direction of understanding the Bharatiya ‘gau’. This gaushala that arose from zero funds gradually took the shape of full-fledged institution, and touched the zenith of self-sufficiency and sustainability in a short span of time. Now this is self-funding, self – sustaining ‘go-seva’ instituition has earned the distinction of funding various National Welfare Schemes on its own merit, without accepting donation.
The main objective of the Maharshi Vagabhatt Gaushala is to transform and develop all the Bharatiya gaushalas into independent and self-sustaining entities, on the same lines as the Maharshi Vagabhatt Gaushala. A simple arithmetic calculation staring us in the face , is that while the price of one litre of milk is Rs. 30 litre , the price of one litre of distilled gomutra is Rs. 150-200. So, if instead of trying to generate income through milk alone, if the gaushalas include/adopt the distillation of gomutra, the income generated from the gaushala can increase manifold. Similarly, if the adoption of dung is diverted from the agricultural field, where I kg of vermi compost fetches Rs. 4 / Kg, the adoption of dung to manufacture medicines can yield anywhere between Rs 2000-3000 per Kg of medicine.
After realizing the capability to generate income manifold vis-a-vas the income generated through the traditional means of milk and manure , it has evident that the panchgavya of bharatiya ‘gau’ should be employed to manufacture life saving medicines. With markets opening up to Panchgavya products one single Bharatiya ‘gau’ can generate upto Rs 1 lakh of income per month and upto .Rs. 10 lakhs in a year.
The day is not far when the Indian Ecomony will soar to unimaginable heights and restore lost glory derived out of the markets flooded with the Panchgavya of the magical ‘gau.’
Reference :
Sponsor a Cow
Cow has a great importance in the Hindu religion. Since ancient times cows have been donated by Kings and other people to Brahmins and others. Although it can be donated anytime, but it is believed that atleast one cow must be donated in one man’s life time. The benefits of donating a cow are simply endless. There is no other donation comparable to donation of cow in this world. From the Vedic period to this day, gifting or donating cows to deserving persons, was considered a very sacred act and a way to wash away all the sins , karmas and samskaras of the past births and present births. Traditionally, cows are offered to Temples and Ashrams of Sadgurus to redeem people of their karmas. It helps in making a person pure and helps him in attaining the highest state of eternal bliss.