Independence day celebrations in today’s context

Our freedom fighters lifted the yoke of slavery that was chained to our nation’s neck for 150 years by the British. That is why we have the fortune of celebrating this Independence Day today.

1. Direct result of disunity – loss of Independence!

​Bharat was ruled by Mughals, Portuguese, Adilshah, Kutubshah and the British before we were liberated. All of them ruled over us by torturing the freedom fighters with the help of selfish and traitorous people. The British entered Bharat with an intention of starting direct trade with us. but a handful of the British ruled over the country with millions of people for 150 years. Despite being a small number, these outsiders could rule over us only because we were not united. Despite the awareness that some outsiders are ruling us ; that they are committing atrocities on our brethren; it was paucity of patriotism, lack of love for the Nation and disunity, that these outsiders could rule over us. Bharatiyas do not have respect for their own country. It is only because we were lacking in qualities like patriotism, respect for the Nation, unity or despite having these qualities not using them in time, we had to suffer from slavery.

2. Our glorious History and what we can learn from it

If we look at the History of Bharat, we realise that it was glorious. We can learn a lot from that. Best example in this regard is that of Shivaji Maharaj. At a very tender age he took an oath in the temple of Rohideshwar, of establishing Hindavi Swarajya along with very few mavlas (soldiers). Thereafter he trained each one of them and made them worship Goddess Bhavani. He established Hindavi Swarajya (Hindu Self Rule) under the guidance of Samarth Ramdas Swami. Shivaji established the Hindavi Swarajya with the thought that he was Samarth Ramdas Swami’s servant and that the kingdom would belong to Ramdas Swami.

Another example is that of Lokamanya Tilak. He galvanized the Bharatiyas into action with his fiery slogan, ‘Swarajya is my birth right and I shall have it’. Our country was liberated due to the untiring efforts of Swatantryaveer Savarkar, Vallabhbhai Patel, so also, revolutionaries and freedom fighters.

Presently we are living in a free country. What sort of image does your mind conjure when we say that? Terrorism has spread everywhere. States of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Gujarat and Sikkim are being attacked by the bordering countries. Infiltrators are creating havoc every other day through bomb blasts and other terror attacks. We are compelled to celebrate our National Days like Independence Day, Republic Day under careful vigilance due to terror threats. Is our country free in the real sense ? Do we feel secure ? What do you feel ? There is no sense of security, is it not ? That is why it is essential to have respect for the Nation and Dharma.

3. What can we children do to change the situation?

3.A Let us respect the Flag

​Small paper flags are sold on a large scale on National Days like 15th August and 26th January. Many small children as well as older people buy these flags out of patriotism and enthusiasm. They are not hoisted systematically. After some days these flags get torn and litter streets or are thrown in garbage cans. At that time we do not realise that we are disrespecting the National flag. Are you also going to do the same? Let us respect our National Flag. Wherever we notice that people are showing disrespect towards the flag, let us make them aware of their improper action; thereby fulfilling our national duty. Let us collect all the flags scattered around. Let us create awareness among our friends and neighbours regarding the correct use of the National Flag.

3.B Recollect the efforts of our freedom fighters!

Let us gather on the 15th of August for flag hoisting. Children are aware that school is closed for the day after hoisting of the Flag; hence many students sleep till late instead of attending the school programme, they watch television at home, go for outing etc. Instead of doing all this by skipping the important duty of paying respect to the Flag on Independence Day, let us try to imbibe the qualities of the freedom fighters and revolutionaries which helped them to fight for the freedom of the Nation.

3.C Chanting Deity’s Name to strengthen the mind

Freedom fighters like Lokamanya Tilak, Swatantrayveer Savarkar tried to make their mind strong along with their body. If we have strong mind then we can face any situation courageously.

In order to have a strong mind we need to develop self-confidence. For that we have to remember our favourite Deity consistently. We must chant our favourite Deity’s name at least for some time every day. This can be done very easily. While going to school, tuition classes and while returning from there, while having food, watching television, when we are not engaged in any important work, we can chant mentally. When we are blessed by God nothing is beyond reach! So for that it is essential that we remember God and do everything by telling Him. (Information on which Name to chant and how to chant.)

3.D Exercise to maintain a healthy body

In the present time it is very essential to develop a strong body along with strong mind and in order to achieve it, it is necessary to exercise daily. Everyone has to do ‘Suryanamaskar’ and to get trained in self-defence to save ourselves from attackers. By ensuring ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body’ you can ensure that you are fit to face any situation and serve the country in times of need!

3.E Imbibing moral values 

Imbibing moral values in us such as : doing everything at the stipulated time, doing it sincerely, telling the truth, respecting elders, not being rude are very essential. We must be careful to see whether we are paying attention to these values while interacting with others. If we follow all these things in our life then it will mean that we are behaving as per the expectation of God.

Hence let us try to be good citizens of our country from today. We must strive to awaken patriotism as given in the pledge in our text books, and for taking our country to glorious heights. Let us take an oath today to keep our Bharatmata happy.

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