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Frequently asked questions on Sadhana

1. Who is the creator of universe, man and animals?

Refer to

2. Who is the most knowledgable of all? Who knew past, present and future since eternity?

Refer to

3. When was law of karma explained to people? How can one explain death of universe via law of karma?

Refer to

4. What is the ultimate purpose of human soul and how to attain it?

Refer to

5. Which of the ways – gyan, dhayn, bhakti or karma is in its purest form from earliest days till now should they be followed singly or along with others.

Refer to

6. When did concept of 33 million gods came?

Refer to

7. Is god in every being or different from creation?

Refer to

8. What are incarnation of Shiva and names of the twelve jyotirlingas?

Refer to

9. Can you suggest me the meaning of Lord Ganesha’s name PARIN, what does actually it mean, and why is it related to Lord Ganesha?

This name is not present in any of the 1000 names of Lord Ganesh. It is not officially recongnized as Lord Ganesh’s name.

However परिण as per sanskrut and Marathi shabda kosh means “one who is intelligent or one knowing everything” or प्रज्ञ. In that sense Lord Ganesh being deity of Knowledge, one can use this word as an adjective for Lord Ganesh.

10. Distress is experienced by chanting the Guru Mantra what is the remedy?

One should pray with intense spiritual emotion to The Guru to remove the distress caused by the gurumantra, before commencing its chanting. If it is possible to visit or talk to one’s Guru, then one can do so and seek His advice. If none of the above is possible, then one can chant the Name of one’s Kuldevi or Kuldevata with spiritual emotion and then over a period of time one can switch back to the gurumantra.

11. What name should be chanted if the is temple other than the Deity of Japa?

One should continue to chant the Name of the deity of the Japa (upasya devi / devata) with spiritual emotion. The point to remember here is that when one chants Name of upasya devata with spiritual emotion, then even if the one visits a temple of different deity, he/she will still receive the principle (tattva) of the deity of that temple. Chanting with spiritual emotion is the key point.

12. Whose name to chant? This is where Hindus are confused. These are several slokas which tells Lord Vishnu name to be chanted by everyone. I can give atleast 30 slokas from different Puranas which tells us to chant Lord Vishnu name and not name of any other devata for ultimate perfection. In certain examples everyone should engage himself in chanting Vishnu’s name… If it is a limitation on your part to impart Vaisnava philosophy. Atleast do not say that any one can chant any names.

A. According to the fundamental principle of Spirituality there are as many temperaments as there are people and a corresponding number of paths of Spirituality. Just as a physician does not prescribe the same medicine to all his patients, it is not appropriate for all to chant the same Name. Hence, the practice of giving the same Name to everyone as done in some sects, is unsound.

B. In the book, ‘Shri Brahmachaitanya Gondavlekar Maharaj Yanchi Pravachane’ chanting of Shrirama is recommended. The saints from the Varkari sect advise chanting of the mantra ‘Rama Krushna Hari (राम कृष्‍ण हरि)’. After reading the ‘Ganapati Atharvashirsha’ one feels like chanting the Name of Lord Ganesh. Thus, confusion ensues as to which Name to chant. Here, the point to be noted is that in Spirituality the implied meaning is more important than the literal one. Hence instead of taking the literal meaning as Shrirama, Rama Krushna Hari or Ganapati, one should realise that the implied meaning is, ‘The Lord’s Name’.

C. For a saint at a very high level to advise chanting of the same Name to everyone like Saint Gondavlekar Maharaj who preached the chanting of Shrirama, is appropriate since there is that much potential in His resolve (sankalpa). However, after the passing away of such great saints the practice of advising the same Name to everyone as the Name of that sect, is wrong.

D. ‘Spiritual practice in a sect amounts only to spiritual practice of the mind, and not of the embodied soul (jiva).’ – Saint Bhaktaraj

Also refer to for more details on why Name of family deity should be chanted in case if Guru has not imparted a Name to chant.

13. How to recite pnachamahabhoot Bijmantra in proper manner?

There no particular method of recitation of Bijmantra, as it is a single word. Only thing is that we should pronounce it as per short vowel and long vowel.

14. In the present world, how will the white and black race of people will fit in the varna system?

The origin of the system of the four classes dates back to thousands of years ago. Since then till the present period nearly 70% of the population has been born of interclass marriages. For this reason the majority of population is not purely of any one of the class or varna and each one needs to undertake spiritual practice of all the four classes for at least some time.

The other non Hindu religions came have a beginning and before their inception everybody was a Hindu.

15. What is that would inspire a Guru make a sankalpa like ‘May this disciple progress spiritually’?

Read How to win guru’s grace for more details.

16. It is mentioned that one should chant the name of his/her Kuladevata. However, if all the Gods are the same, what difference does it make, if we chant any God’s Name?

Read The family deity (kuladevata)

17. I am unable to get any details of my kuldevi “Phool Mati Maata” on any of the websites and am really interested to know the details of my “kuldevi” who has been caring for us for ages. I don’t even know that she may another name or something. Please clarify on my request and provide me all the information as to how she is been offered with prayers etc. in India.

If one is not aware of the Name of the family deity, then one should repeat (chant) the Name of one’s favourite deity or “Shri Kuldevtayai namaha“. Once that is completed one comes across someone who tells one who the family deity is. Once the chanting of the family deity is completed the Guru Himself comes into a seeker’s life and blesses him with a gurumantra.

Read more at Which Name should one chant if the Guru has not imparted a Name?

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