Seven sacred rivers of India – What is the spiritual significance ?

The seven sacred rivers referred to here are, the Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri. Water collected from these seven sacred rivers is put in the ritualistic pot, which is used during ritualistic worship. ‘Water from the seven sacred rivers has the ability to attract and transmit the frequencies of seven superior deities. (Lord Shiva, Lord Shrirama, Lord Shrikrushna, Lord Maruti, Lord Ganapati, Lord Datta and Goddess Durga). India is known as the most sattva predominant place on the face of earth because all these seven sacred rivers flow only through it. Many yogis have undertaken penance on the banks of these rivers so as to acquire the principles of the seven superior deities in the universe. This water from the ritualistic pot is used for the consecration of the idol of the deity by sprinkling on it (abhishek). The subtle sound frequencies from the ritualistic pot absorb the frequencies of the seven superior deities in the water and effectively transmit them into the atmosphere. Since these subtle sound frequencies have a higher speed and expanse, the effectiveness of the frequencies of the seven deities transmitted into the atmosphere through the water of the seven rivers remains in the environment for longer periods. Since these frequencies are transmitted with the help of the particles of the absolute water element in the water and the particles of the absolute ether element from the sound frequencies in the ritualistic pot, this water can be used as holy water (tirtha). If consumed with spiritual emotion and devotion, then due to the divine frequencies in this holy water the dormant five vital energies surrounding the navel in the body of the devotee are activated. With the help of these vital energies these divine frequencies spread all over the body of the devotee. As a result purification of the vital energy body and its sheath of the embodied soul (worshipper) occurs and the devotee derives sattva predominant happiness and enthusiasm from it.


Name of the river Ability to attract and transmit principle of the deity Sensation on contact with frequencies in water The level of the ‘with attributes’/attributeless
principle in the associated frequencies
1. Ganga Lord Shiva Cold Attributeless
2. Godavari Lord Shriram Cool Attributeless-‘with attributes’
3. Yamuna LordShrikrushna Cool-hot Attributeless-‘with attributes’
(in equal proportions)
4. Sindhu Lord Hanuman Hot-cool ‘With attributes’-attributeless
(in equal proportions)
5. Saraswati Lord Ganapati Luke warm ‘With attributes’-attributeless
(more attributeless incomparison to Kaveri)
6. Kaveri Lord Datta Hot ‘With attributes’-attributeless
7. Narmada Goddess Durga Very hot ‘With attributes’

Note 1 : The rivers have been arranged in the order of the level of the principle of the associated frequencies.

The differences between ‘with attributes’-attributeless (in equal proportion) and attributeless-‘with attributes’ (in equal proportion) is explained in the table below.

  ‘With attributes’- attributeless
(in equal proportions)
Attributeless-‘with attributes’
(in equal proportions)
1. The principle that manifests when becoming functional ‘With attributes’. The ‘with attributes’ appears with the help of the attributeless ‘With attributes’ with more of the attributeless. Along with greater attributeless, a small proportion of the ‘with attributes’ appears
2. Functioning Functioning by the ‘with attributes’ with the help of the attributeless Functioning by the ‘with attributes’ that has more function with the attributeless with the help of the attributeless
3. Level of the frequencies Subtle Subtler
4. Spiritual experiences Energy Bliss
5. Potential and expanse of the frequencies Less More
6. Speed of the frequencies High Low
7. Attraction of frequencies Towards conversion into more ‘with attributes’ To go towards the attributeless’

(Divine knowledge received through the medium of Mrs. Anjali Gadgil, 21.11.2004, 7.01 p.m.)

Presently water from the seven rivers is not easy to procure. If it is unavailable for putting in the ritualistic pot, then one may use ordinary water. When filling the ritualistic pot with ordinary water the mantra ‘Gange cha Yamunechaiva’ is recited to invoke the seven rivers.


‘What is the importance of the substances used in ritualistic worship?’, published by Sanatan Sanstha.

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