Legal aspects of registering a complaint against a case of ‘Love Jihad’

1. Conversion to another religion before completing 18 years of age, meaning, before attaining adulthood, is considered an offence. Hence, conversion as well as marriage after conversion before attaining adulthood, is considered illegal. In such cases, parents ofthe concerned girl can complain of forced conversion and/or marriage.

2. Even after attaining adulthood, meaning, after attaining 18 years of age, if a woman complains of forced conversion, the conversion is considered illegal and consequently, the ‘Nikah’ is also considered illegal.

3. An accused, regardless of his religion, is punishable under sections given ahead if a woman complains of harassment / torture by him.

A. Rape (IPC 375, 376)

B. Cheating (IPC 415 to 420)

C. Kidnapping (IPC 359)

D. Blackmailing a woman by threatening to defame her by publishing (or sharing with others) her obscene photographs or videos obtained (with or) without her consent

4. If a woman goes missing, even the neighbours can register a complaint with the Police.

5. Under sections 494 and 495 of IPC, if a Hindu married individual (man or woman) enters into a second marriage without getting a divorce from the first one, the second marriage is considered illegal due to non-annulment of the first marriage even if the concerned individual has changed his or her religion.


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