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Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held successfully at Tuljapur

We should take to streets with all our strength if necessary; while protecting temples – Manoj Khadye

Advocate Nagesh Takbhate lighting lamp and Shri. Manoj Khadye

Tuljapur : Donations given in the name of Dharma are looted from temples’ ‘safes’ due to ‘governmentalization’ of temples. Also, ancient religious traditions followed regularly in temples are being trampled. Hindus’ temples are important and holy centres transmitting strength to Hindus. Hindus should therefore, come together and get ready for protection of temples which are the source of spiritual energy. They should use all their strength, if necessary by taking to streets, for protection of temples; with unity and in lawful manner. The above appeal was made by Shri. Manoj Khadye of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) during ‘Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha (sabha)’ held at Lohia Mangal Karyalaya. Advocate Nagesh Takbhate, Secretary of ‘Hindu Vidhidnya Parishada (HVP)’ for Goa shared the dais with Shri. Khadye.

HVP is always committed to fight for protection of Dharma thro’ judicial process ! – Advocate Nagesh Takbhate

HVP will always be committed to provide detailed information on legal fights given through HVP and success in cases so also help in legal fights for establishment of Hindu Rashtra.

The ‘sabha’ was started with lighting of lamp by the speakers. Shri. Manoj Khadye and advocate Nagesh Takbhate were welcomed by Shri. Arjun (Appa) Salunke, the Founder-President of ‘Shivaraje Pratishthan’ and District-President of ‘Bajarang Dal’. Shri. Deepak Patange felicitated Mahant Mavajinath Maharaj of ‘Dashavatar Mutt’, Mahant Ichhagiri Maharaj of Somavargiri Mutt and Mahant Vyankataranya on behalf of HJS.

More than 200 devout Hindus attended the ‘sabha’ including BJP’s Gulchand Vyavahare, Balasaheb Shamraj, Shiv Sena’s city-Chief Shri. Sudhir Kadam, Bapusaheb Naikwadi, ‘Jyeshtha Nagarik Sanghatana’s Balasaheb Dixit, Dasharath Kavare; Bajarang Dal’s Nitin Jatte and Rohan Bhanji; ‘Shivabaraje Pratishthan’s Vicky Waghmare, ‘Patanjali Yoga Samiti’s Shri. Pradip Chavan; ‘Shivapratishthan’s Shrikant Kavare; ‘Art of Living’s Shri. Sanjay Bondar; Lohia Mangal Karyalaya’s Trustee Shri. Durgadas Amrutrao.

Encouraging response from devout Hindus to various drives undertaken through ‘Hindu Rashtra Abhiyan’ ! 

Shri. Manoj Khadye gave details of various campaigns to be undertaken under ‘Hindu Rashtra Abhiyan’ for unification of Hindus on the occasion of Diamond jubilee year of Paratpar Guru Dr. Jayant Athavale and made an appeal to participate in the drives. All participating devout Hindus gave spontaneous response by raising their hands.

In a review meeting held after the ‘sabha’, it was decided to stage demonstrations on 11th May for the demands viz. devotees should be allowed entry from the main entrance of Shri Bhavanidevi temple. Mahant Mavajinath Maharaj made an appeal to attend the meeting proposed to be held on 24th April at ‘Dashavatar Mutt’ for planning of the above demonstrations. More than 50 devout youth promised to attend that meeting.

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