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‘Pujya’ (Dr.) Pingale of HJS meets ex-PM of Nepal and other eminent personalities

Kathmandu : ‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale, the national Guide of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) is presently on Nepal tour. He is meeting several eminent personalities during his visit. Given below is a brief report on discussions he had with them.

‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale meeting Nepal’s former PM Shri. Lokendra Bahaddurchand !

From left : Pujya (Dr.) Charudatta Pingale, Shri. Lokendra Bahaddurchand and Shri. Bharat Chand

On meeting ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale, Shri. Lokendra Bahaddurchand, the former Prime Minister (PM) of Nepal said, “Nobody really understands the meaning of secularism. The word ‘secular’ is found in the Constitution of none of the countries. Suddenly at one midnight during the period of emergency, Bharat was declared as ‘secular’. Same thing has happened even in Nepal. Hindu Dharma teaches us the difference between morality and immorality and how to follow morality. In democracy, everyone does whatever one wants; but nothing is done to understand what would be its effects and whether it is the right thing or wrong.”

On this ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale said, “It is not a true democracy in Nepal. Had there been true democracy, despite 90% of Hindu population, why couldn’t Nepal become a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ ? All these theories have come from the West which are not followed even by them. Why should we follow something that is not our ? Hindus need to become aware now and follow ‘Dharmacharan’.”

‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale presented to him books titled ‘Paratpar Guru Dr. Athavale : Inake Ojaswi Vichar’ and ‘Dharmashikshan Phalak’ published by Sanatan Sanstha in Hindi.

‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale meets Shri. Santosh Shah, the Founder of ‘Leadership Academy’, Nepal

Shri. Santosh Shah said, “Everyone tells others what should be done by them; but does not follow it for self. Nepal has become a battle field for other countries. Something or the other is happening here. Now, there are discussions about ‘Madhesaka’. Nepal is being divided into ‘Pahadi (rural)’ and ‘Madhesi (urban)’ regions etc.  All Nepalis are being divided on some issues or the other.”

‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale said, “There are many ways to bring change in this. There is need for a platform for united power which will be devoid of politics. We can get associated with various organizations; our thinking may be different; but we have to unite and fight for protection of Dharma. The first generation of converted Christians has fanatic ideology. They are harmful for all. It is therefore, our duty to create awareness amongst people. There is also need to have a war at the level of thoughts.”

Meeting with Professor Govindsharan Upadhyay !

‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale met Professor Govindsharan Upadhyay. Prof. Upadhyay said, “Proofs of Sanatan Dharma are found in many parts of the world even now. At few places, even Muslims follow Hindu Dharma. In Parvat district of Nepal, there are 73% Brahmins. Sage Gemini used to live there. Today, Nepal is facing different types of problems like conversions, political instability, division of people based on castes, geographical condition etc.”

‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale said, “We should understand how western countries are treating us. Any old style which is discarded in western countries becomes vogue in Nepal and Bharat. When new mobile phones are introduced here, their cost is Rs. 30,000/-; after sometime it reduces to Rs. 20,000/-; later it becomes Rs. 10,000/- and finally it becomes Rs. 5000/-. We should know how much profit they must be earning from the beginning till the end. We should keep ourselves abreast of what is happening in western countries.”

Meeting with the Chief of Medha Hospital

‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale met Shri. Kishorejang Rana, the Chief of Medha Hospital. Shri. Rana asked him, “How can we get peace in today’s world ? How can mind and body work in unison ?” On this ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale said, “For this, importance of sadhana and chanting should be understood. Chanting helps in drawing all principles of God. Sadhana and spiritual science should be studied regularly in our daily life. We should explain their importance to people. We should become a thread that would tie all Hindus in one string.”

Interview of ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale on ‘Kantipur FM’ channel !

Good things follow bad things ! – ‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale

Interview on ‘Kantipur FM’ channel- Prof. Janardan Dhimire interviewing ‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale

Professor Janardan Dhimire from Kathmandu interviewed ‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale on ‘Kantipur FM’ channel. Prof. Dhimire first asked him, “The present situation in Nepal is that everyone is running after something which he doesn’t have; but what is with them, is lost. I wanted to know, how can spirituality be established and propagated in the world in such situation ?” In his reply, ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale said, “As the day starts when Sun rises and it is night after evening; similarly, the cycle of ‘Satva’, ‘Raja’ and ‘Tama’ keeps on moving. After bad (Tama), good (Sattva) always follows. In Oxford Dictionary, meaning of Dharma and religion is given separately. As per Oxford, only Hindu and Buddhism are considered to be Dharma. Hindu is tolerant. He gives respect to even his enemy when due. Today, there is talk of equality of religions everywhere. In that case, why are churches made by those who are coming to Nepal from outside ? Why don’t they go to temples ? Why they want to construct only churches ? All of us Hindus should become aware of these things. When Bhagavan Shriram comes, we should increase prayers and devotion like Shri Hanumant and when Ravana comes, we should be ready to fight with our mace.”

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