Confront demographic invasion through infiltration

Shravan Shukla Trayodashi, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

BY J.G. Arora

IN the apt words of American statesman Dean Acheson, "No people in history have ever survived by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies." What would be the fate of Bharat’s people when steeped in ‘fake secular’ stupor, the government, mainstream media and all major political parties are silent spectators when Bharat is being grabbed bit by bit by Pak-Bangla infiltrators every day?

Throughout its known history, India has never surrendered so meekly to invaders as it has done now before crores of Pak-Bangla infiltrators who are conquering India silently without using any weapon.

Though invaders should be treated as enemies and crushed; in India, they are being treated as masters and welcomed.

In their mission to destroy and dismember India, and to plant more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Indian soil, Pakistan and Bangladesh have sent countless terrorists and crores of their nationals into India. Through systematic infiltration of Pak-Bangla nationals into India, Pakistan wants to achieve what it could not achieve through its 1965, 1971 and 1999 wars with India.

While India is being grabbed by Pak-Bangla nationals, pro-Pakistan lobby in India is lighting Indo-Pak friendship candles at Indo-Pak border at Wagha on August 15 every year.

Demand for Pakistan

To prevent plantation of more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Indian soil, one must know how Pakistan and Bangladesh were created.

Let us browse through history

Bharat Varsha comprising the present day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan and even Zabol in Iran was Hindu land with no Muslim population till Muhammad bin Qasim’s Arab army attacked Sindh in 711. Despite fighting valiantly to defend their Dharma and motherland during repeated Muslim attacks for over a thousand years, Hindus lost Afghanistan in 987, and present day Pakistan and Bangladesh to Muslims in 1947.

After overthrow of Muslim rule, India was under the British from 1857 to 1947. Formed in 1906, Muslim League demanded Pakistan in 1940.

In his presidential address to Muslim League in Lahore on March 23, 1940, Muhammad Ali Jinnah proclaimed that Hindus and Muslims belonged to two different religions, civilisations and nations which could never live together in one country; and demanded Pakistan, a separate country for Muslims, comprising Muslim majority areas in India.

In the elections held in 1945-46, Muslims voted overwhelmingly for creation of Pakistan as Muslim League won all Muslim majority seats for Central Legislative Assembly.

Muslim League launched Direct Action Day on August 16, 1946 to attain Pakistan. This action resulted in slaughter of thousands of innocents.

Ultimately in 1947, Muslims got a third of Bharat’s land as Pakistan comprising of West Pakistan and East Pakistan. In 1971, East Pakistan became Bangladesh while West Pakistan was renamed as Pakistan.

But after achieving Pakistan, most of Indian Muslims who had demanded Pakistan for Muslims and exchange of population on creation of Pakistan stayed back in India; and did not go to Pakistan.

Both Pakistan and Bangladesh have been declared as Islamic Republics and have driven out most of Hindus and Sikhs from their land. Though Hindus accounted for 24 per cent of Pakistan’s population in 1947; now number less than two per cent. In Bangladesh, Hindus numbered 31 per cent in 1947; but now number nine per cent. However, in India, present percentage of Muslim population is much higher than that in 1947.

Lethal demographic invasion

TV Rajeshwar, former Intelligence Bureau chief in 1996 itself had warned against emergence of one more Islamic country because of Bangladeshi infiltration. In 1998, General SK Sinha, the then Governor of Assam, also cautioned about Bangladeshi influx and disproportionate increase in Muslim population in the districts bordering Bangladesh.

These warnings were fortified by census figures of 2001

Though as per former Assam Governor, Lt Gen (retd) Ajay Singh, about 6000 Bangladeshis had been infiltrating into Assam every day; and though Pak-Bangla nationals continue to enter India through many more points every day, the Government has done nothing to deport the infiltrators and to curb the daily influx.

Supreme Court’s judgements

Though demographic invasion is the most vexatious problem tormenting the nation, the government is responding with denial and deception.

Instead of invoking the Foreigners Act, 1946 to punish and deport infiltrators, the government enacted Illegal Migrants (DT) Act in 1983 which invited more infiltrators to swarm India. AASU leader Sarbananda Sonowal challenged the said Act in Supreme Court.

By its judgement dated July 12, 2005, Supreme Court struck down the Illegal Migrants (DT) Act, 1983 as unconstitutional; and termed Bangladeshi infiltration as "external aggression" and directed that "Bangladeshi nationals who have trespassed into Assam or are living in other parts of the country have no legal right of any kind to remain in India and they are liable to be deported."

Shockingly, instead of deporting the infiltrators, on February 10, 2006, UPA government brought in the Foreigners (Tribunals for Assam) Order to nullify the Apex Court’s judgement. But on December 5, 2006, Supreme Court quashed this Order also as unconstitutional, and called for implementation of its earlier judgement dated July 12, 2005 for deporting illegal immigrants.

Despite the Supreme Court’s said judgements, no infiltrators have been deported by the government. Rather, the government is busy with soft borders, peace talks, and Indo-Pak and Indo-Bangladesh bus and rail links which are bringing more infiltrators every day. And instead of being deported, infiltrators are being legalised by giving them citizenship and voting rights.

Legalising the illegal

Apart from getting documents like ration cards, infiltrators can get Indian citizenship at one go through the stratagem of National Population Register, 2010. As per General Instructions issued in this regard, the enumerator of National Population Register has to record the nationality of the person enumerated as declared by the individual concerned. The infiltrator is bound to declare his nationality as Indian, and not as Pakistani or Bangladeshi, in which case he can be deported. And the persons whose names appear in National Population Register would be given "National Identity Cards" though the same are meant only for Indian citizens. This way, crores of Pak-Bangla infiltrators would become Indian citizens within a few months. Just imagine the peril of making crores of Pak-Bangla infiltrators as Indian nationals.

Such a suicidal subversion of law can happen only in India.

Degrading surrender

History shows that change in demography of a territory leads to change in its civilisation. Demographic invasion, if not repelled, leads to permanent loss of territory and perpetual defeat. Any civilisation conceding space to expansionist ideology perishes.

At present, Hindu civilisation is a demographically challenged civilisation since civilisation of an area is determined by its demography; and not by its geography. In the past, the present day Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh echoed with Hindu ethos since these lands were inhabited by Hindus; but after Hindus lost these areas to Muslims, Hindus and Hindu civilisation were driven out of these lands. Even in truncated India, Hindu civilisation is losing ground and is getting confined to lesser and lesser area because of unchallenged demographic invasion.

The only solution

After bravely fighting foreign ifor over 1,200 years, Bharat has meekly surrendered before Pak-Bangla demographic invasion. If not tackled now, this menace would have far more lethal consequences.

The misery being faced by Hindu society is self-inflicted. Logically, on India’s partition on religious basis and creation of Pakistan for Muslims in 1947, Bharat should have been declared a Hindu republic. But surprisingly, Bharat was made a ‘secular’ country. However, ‘secularism’ being practised in India is fake as it implies anti-Hinduism, and is leading to gradual de-Hinduisation of Bharat. Accordingly, the so-called ‘secular’ India has to be transformed into ‘Hindu Bharat’ to protect Hindu civilisation, Hindu heritage and Hindu identity of Bharat.

To achieve this goal, all pro-Hindu individuals and social and religious organisations must become political and pro-active to transform India into a Hindu Republic of Bharat by all peaceful, constitutional and lawful means. No one can object to emergence of a Hindu Bharat when all the 57 Muslim majority countries are declared as Islamic countries.

Hindu Bharat would be a really secular polity with justice to all, and injustice to none. It would be one nation with one law, and no discrimination against any community.

Hindu Bharat will implement the Supreme Court’s judgements dated July 12, 2005 and December 5, 2006 to deport the infiltrators and curb their daily influx. It will liberate the nation from Pak-Bangla terrorists and infiltrators. It will discard Indo-Pak and Indo-Bangla bus and rail services which are bringing fresh infiltrators every day. It will protect its borders to prevent aggressors from entering India.

Hindu Bharat will remember MA Jinnah’s above-mentioned "Two Nations" theory expounded in Lahore on March 23, 1940; and prevent the creation of more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Bharat’s soil.

And by protecting and nurturing its Hindu identity, Hindu Bharat will ensure that Hindus do not become the forgotten people; and Hindu civilisation, the forgotten civilisation.

Source: Organiser

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