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‘Ganesh Idols made from paper-pulp are detrimental’

Shravan Krushna Trutiya, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

Sree Ganapati idols made from paper-pulp are detrimental to aquatic species ! – Environmentalist Mr. Kishore Mardikar

From Left: Mr. Shivaji Vatkar, Mr. Kishore Mardikar and Mrs. Varsha Thakar

From Left: Mr. Shivaji Vatkar, Mr. Kishore Mardikar and Mrs. Varsha Thakar

Mumbai: It is against ‘Dharma-shastra’ to prepare ‘eco-friendly’ idols of Sree Ganesha from paper-pulp and trash. Even if such idols dissolve in water quickly; the paper pulp absorbs oxygen from water endangering life of aquatic animals. The above views were expressed by Mr. Kishore Vasantrao Mardikar, an environmentalist and an advisor of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board in a press conference jointly organized with Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS).

This is a sign of brains polluted with unrighteous ideas ! – Mr. Shivaji Vatkar

Mr. Shivaji Vatkar, the district co-ordinator of HJS for Mumbai, Thane and Raigad districts said on the occasion that, “Making Sree Ganesha idols from paper pulp and immerse them in artificial water tanks, under the name of pollution, is a sign of polluted brains of unrighteous people. If idols are immersed in artificial water bodies, it breaks the idols and causes denigration of the Deity. All Hindus should, therefore, make idols from clay as per the ‘Dharma-shastra’ and immerse these idols in natural water bodies, and in flowing water. Artificial water tanks should not be constructed. Such demand has already been made by HJS with different municipal corporations like Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane and Kalyan etc.

Mr. Sagar Naik, the Mayor of Navi Mumbai has given positive response to the said demand. He has planned to divide the natural lake into two parts with the help of hollow stone wall and keep one part for immersion of idols. Other municipal corporations can also learn from this example.” He said further, “The so-called environmentalists and anti-Hindus like ANiS unnecessarily blame Ganesha festival for pollution; but they do not say anything about the poisonous chemicals and sewage water released by factories. The Government also keeps quiet about thermacoal used by followers of other sects during their festivals.”   


1. ’Sattvik’ idol of Sri Ganesha made by Sanatan and ‘Dharmashikshan’ banners were displayed at the venue of press conference.

2. The press conference began with reciting Sree Ganesha –shloka/

3. Around 35 journalists attended the conference.

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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