Uttar Pradesh Director General of Police (DGP) Sulkhan Singh has ordered that those involved in cow slaughter and smuggling of cows and their progeny should be booked under the stringent National Security Act (NSA) and Gangsters Act. Singh issued the order to all SPs, SSPs, DIGs and IGs at a meeting at the DGP headquarters on Monday. A circular has also been sent to all officers across the state.
“Take strict action against cow slaughter and smuggling of cows and their progeny for slaughter. Invoke National Security Act and Gangsters Act against those involved in such activities,” says the circular. When contacted, Singh said he had issued general instructions to police officers in the districts in order to ensure communal harmony and peace. The district magistrate and district police chief can decide what action needs to be taken after taking into consideration the gravity of the situation, he said.
Under the National Security Act, a person may be detained for up to a year. Soon after taking charge as DGP last month, Singh had directed that action should be taken against cow vigilantes and FIRs should be lodged against them.
Source : Indian Express