‘Saffron’ terrorism

Shravan Krushna Panchami, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

Congress Home Minister makes statement about the so-called danger of ‘saffron’ terrorism which is not in existence !

The Central Home Minster P. Chidambaram was considered to be ‘a decent, virtuous person’ despite being in Congress. When he was the Finance Minister, his wife was the pleader of the Government in a dispute related to Finance Department. This was, although not corruption, an improper thing. His wife immediately resigned when objection was raised in the matter.

He was a person who observed morality except when he left Congress under the influence of G. K. Mupannawar and founded a party named as ‘Tamil Manila Congress’; but soon he realized that he could serve his purpose only by remaining in the Congress Party and he returned to Congress.

Till now, this was the only thoughtlessness noted against him. Now, by making a statement about the so-called danger of ‘saffron terrorism’ which is not in existence, he has exhibited his negligence confirming that he is a staunch Congressman although outwardly, he looked decent.

To divert people’s mind from ‘green terrorism’, it was a childish ploy to talk about fabricated ‘saffron’ terrorism.

Talking about fabricated ‘saffron’ terrorism to divert people’s mind from the existing green terrorism, experienced by people all over the world, and which has reached very serious level, is his very childish attempt. Chidambaram’s Congress Party was shouting at the top of the roofs that ‘terrorism has no religion’ when various cities in this country started experiencing the heat of green terrorism. The Home Minister who had no guts to talk about ‘green’ terrorism, immediately painted it in ‘saffron’.

Why Muslim ‘Dharmagurus’ are constantly propagating that ‘Islam’ is a religion that gives message of peace and Islam does not advocate killing of the innocent people. Why religious leaders of Hindus never felt the need to explain such things? Every Muslim is not a terrorist but every terrorist is a Muslim. What about that? Chidambaram should declare the percentage of Muslims turned to terrorism out of 20 crores of Muslims and how many Hindus became terrorists out of their population of 85 crores; but he would not do such thing as he would have to cut a sorry figure.

Catch hold of Mushrif taking side of anti-nationals or catch hold of those people pointed out by Mushrif and hang them

There is a way in which one can check whether the ‘saffron’ terrorism as stated by Chidambaram really exists. A retired senior police officer named Mushrif has written a book titled ‘Who killed Karkare?’ It is a different matter that the writers, publishers behave in such mischievous manner to increase sale of their books. In this book, Mushrif has alleged that Karkare was killed by Hindu terrorists. Mushrif says that Kasab and his associates are innocent. He has even mentioned the names of Hindu organizations. When a police officer is giving such powerful evidence in book format, why is Mr. Chidambaram keeping quiet?

Catch hold of Mushrif for advocating side of anti-nationalists or hang all those people pointed out by Mushrif in his book. It is the right way to bring forth the truth. But why the Central and State Home Ministers are keeping quiet? Such information has to be investigated for its genuineness. Gopalrao Godse, who completed his life sentence in Gandhi murder case, was felicitated in ‘Udyan Prasad’ in Pune.

 A senior journalist, Shri. G. V. Ketkar said in that program, “I was telling Nathuram not to kill Gandhi as he will get undue importance if killed’; but he did not listen to me.” After this speech, Shri. Ketkar was accused of not informing the ploy of killing Gandhi despite knowing about it. An enquiry commission was set up. Ketkar was harassed. Evidence was found that Balukaka Kanitkar had sent a telegram from the Khirkee post office with the message ‘Nathuram left Pune to assassinate Gandhiji.’ The chapter was closed; but a scholar like Ketkar suffered a lot.

The example is given here only to show that the Government took a serious note of a casual statement made during a speech; now Mushrif has written a book alleging so many things; then why the Government is not taking any action? Investigate the matter mentioned in the book. Prove that Karkare was killed by workers of ‘Abhinav Bharat’ and not Kasab.

Once it is proved, go to Islamabad and declare it proudly. Bow at Zaradari’s feet asking for pardon for the ‘saffron’ terrorism existing in this country; but won’t you give at least one proof of ‘saffron’ terrorism? Gandhiji used to insist on telling truth and give up falsehood. Are you not the followers of Gandhiji? Have some shame when you display his photograph in your office. If you have no guts to tell the truth about terrorism, at least do not tell lies.

It is like giving Pakistan an excuse of ‘saffron’ terrorism for votes by Chidambaram

There can be two dangers posed due to the untrue statement made by Chidambaram. When we were accusing ‘ISI’, Pakistan was continuously talking about Colonel Purohit and accusing the Indian Army. Now that the Home Minister of this country is talking about the danger of ‘saffron’ terrorism, Pakistan will get a good reason to accuse India
. We have already made a big blunder by referring the Kashmir issue to UNO and now even bigger blunder has been committed by talking about ‘saffron’ terrorism.

Whenever discussions will be held among India and Pakistan, if Pakistan raises this point, do we have any answer? The outcome of the blunder that Chidambaram has committed by accepting existence of ‘saffron’ terrorism when it does not exist, will be known shortly. During the year 1969 on the occasion of ‘Rabat Conference’, Indira Gandhi had put India in a shameful position to acquire Muslim votes. She had sent Fakruddin Ali Ahmad to attend the Muslim Nations conference when India is a secular country. Zulfikar Bhutto took objection to Ahmad’s presence and he was driven out of the conference. The son-in-law of same Bhutto is the President of Pakistan today. He will never give up such opportunity. How much more damage the Congress is going to cause to this country, only Gandhiji would know.

Think about what will happen even if half percentage of Hindus turn to terrorism !
The other danger is real appearance of ‘saffron’ terrorism. It is not there today; but many Hindus out of their population of 800 millions, are enraged about the pathetic condition of Bharatmata.

This furor is yet to take a form due to the basic tolerance among Hindus or their cowardice; but the possibility of its manifestation cannot be ruled out if Chidambaram continues to make accusations of ‘saffron’ terrorism as he has gone one step ahead of Sonia Gandhi and Shivraj Patil. It is only because of the blessings of Congress that the Kashmiri terrorists, naxalites, Tamilian tigers, rebels like the Nagas, ULFAs and BODO from North-Eastern part are getting weapons easily. The problem will neither be faced by the ‘saffron’ terrorists. In such situation, Chidambaram should think what would happen if one or even half a percent of Hindus really turn to terrorism. When the ‘saffron’ terrorism does not exist, its continuous mention would create conducive position for its development. Is it what Chidambaram wants?

Source: DSP

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