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Everyone should become a spokesperson of Hindu Dharma : Dr. Uday Dhuri

Dr. Uday Dhuri, the spokesperson of HJS said that initially, 1-2 spokespersons used to participate in programs on TV channels for explaining science behind Hindu festivals; but now, a team has been prepared under guidance of ‘Paratpar Guru’ Dr. Athavale to retaliate every attack on Dharma. Two training work-shops were also conducted for the purpose and 40 spokespersons trained in those work-shops have represented Hindus in more than 100 programs. It therefore, created closeness between spokespersons and news channels’ reporters, besides program hosts. Owing to attitude of studying every issue developed by spokespersons, it has created a place of respect among news channels towards HJS. It has also helped to develop closeness with representatives of political parties who watch these programs which led to reaching the topics of movements to the Government. Study by few spokespersons also helped in refuting anti-Hindu statements made by other sectarians in their speeches. Every activist of a pro-Hindu organization should therefore, try to be a spokesperson of Hindu Dharma, for its protection.

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