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Kashmir Issue: Decision of Sikhs and Pro-Hindus to agitate

Shravan Krushna Ashtami, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

The issue of the warning given by Muslims to Sikhs in Kashmir!

Reacting to the warning, ‘Be Muslims or get out from Kashmir’ given by the Muslims to Sikhs, Pro-Hindu organisations met the leaders of ‘Gurumma Prabhash Pure’ Gurudwara, in Jalgao in its connection. The Sikhs expressed  their decision to agitate along with all the Pro-Hindu organisations while thanking the delegation for giving them a proposal stating that, ‘All Pro-HIndu organisations support you’.  

Mr. Nanaksing Apnarsing Johari, Mr. Girdharsing Johati, Mr. Prakashsing Johari and others present there said while discussing the issue with the delegation, “We will not leave the Muslims in this country if the government ignored the Sikh community. We will organise a rally according to our Faith opposing the warning along with the Pro-Hindu organisations and give a memorandum to the government. It is the need of the hour that all should give a fight now.

Today we are in the danger tomorrow it might be turn of others. Hence it is essential to unite and act.”

Mr. Shekhar Chowdhari, Mr. Vinod Shinde of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and other pro-Hindus were present there at that time.

Source: DSP

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