Shri. Anil Dhir, General Secretary of ‘Bharat Raksha Manch’ and BJP’s spokesperson for Odisha said, “About 6 weeks ago, 46 senior historians in this country have made few important demands through a letter written to PM Modi. They have said that Shri. Modi should take steps for protection of inherent culture of Bharat. The ancient contribution of Bharat in the fields of Medicine, mathematics etc should be brought forth for welfare of the world. A competent officer should be appointed on departments of Union Government which are responsible for unpardonable neglect of our archaeological legacy and available funds should be utilized properly. PM Modi should start use of Indian almanac; change the distorted history by replacing it with true history. Remove anti-national chancellors of 200 universities in this country and generate love and respect amongst Hindus towards ‘Hindutva’ ! Though I belong to BJP, I too feel that PM Modiji should accept the above demands without delay !”
Modi should implement demands made by our historians for welfare of India : Anil Dhir
Tags : Hindu Adhiveshan